Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT2| The NeverEnding Acquisition

“We now present to you, the Xbox Dreamcast! (Formerly project keystone.)” :crazy_face:

Clarification, I kinda like this idea. But I’m a Dreamcast fan, so keep that in mind.


I still have my dreamcast but my VGA adapter is starting to give up :frowning: One of the greatest consoles to be honest, i qas really sad whe Sega announced theyvwere gwtting out of the console business…

Sorry for going off topic!

As for ABK, did i read that right that it was the last day for MS to propose remedies to the EC? Are we supposed to be hwaring something within the next 24 hours?


As a SEGA fanboy, I find it rich hearing that from PS fanboys where Sony, a company with very little history in videogames (it could be argued that MS had more when they entered the market), had deep pockets and the resources to fund their own R&D for their own machine, buy one of the West’s largest publishers, and seemingly outspend SEGA and Nintendo when it came to media relations and marketing.

And as much as I hate the fact that SEGA didn’t have deep enough pockets to compete (because it certainly wasn’t due to a lack of exclusives), ultimately the industry is richer with Sony’s presence. Their deep pockets and know-how in electronics manufacturing help them create highly focused and optimized consoles. Buying Psygnosis made Sony Computer Entertainment one of the best publishers out there. They brought their own vision to the industry.

Microsoft’s doing the exact same here. If Gamepass can be the Netflix of gaming that transcends devices and allows you to play all sorts of games be it console, PC, or mobile on pretty much any device it will take gaming to another level. Just a Sony as an electronics manufacturer was able to change the industry Microsoft as a software and services company can do the same.

Sorry I’m tired of this sounds like a rant I apologize. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I was imagining the same thing. Sega branded handheld. Gamegear with gamepass. It would be great for Xbox in the Asian and European markets.


Game Gear X has a nice ring to it


I really seesaw on whether the CMA will approve with the behavioral remedies Microsoft have offered. On one side the CMA almost never offer behavioral remedies but in this case they did and Microsoft have and are in the process of fulfilling them by offering deals to Sony and Nintendo on the console side while on the cloud they’re offering all Microsoft games including ABK to anyone who will agree.

But there’s a part of me that feels like the CMA had their decision made and are just adjusting their arguments to block. It’s irrational on their part imo but sanity and the UK government/agencies don’t really have too much of an overlap

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Yeah. I still think they will not accept the remedies MS are offering if I was betting on it. They will be concerned that allowing behavioural remedies will open the floodgates.

That’s how I see it. I wouldn’t say it’s an impossibility they can accept them though. It just feels to me more likely that they won’t.

The problem the cma have is they are increasingly defying all logic and the will of the industry and there is pressure on them there. But my bet is they will rather face that pressure than the accusation that they are bowing to EU and big tech pressure. But it’s certainly less clear cut than it was.

To me the remedies MS have offered are good. They probably need to be longer and with stronger enforcement possibilities for the cloud side but put it this way if the cma won’t take them then it’s purely a face saving reason. It would defy any real logic.


The CMA are there to research about businesses and figure out if they hurt competition or customers. If they constantly stop mergers from happening, eventually someone is gonna limit their powers or reorganise them to do their job properly and fairly.

If anything, I think Microsoft has the influence to pressure the CMA to do their job properly and fairly.

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Isn’t it wild that regulators and Sony say Call of Duty is such a unique game and there is nothing like it and then go on and say well they made Starfield exclusive so they’ll obviously make Call of Duty exclusive, what happened to Call of Duty being so different and unique, how does Starfield now compare to it lol, why is it thrown out the window that Microsoft will treat Call of Duty different to Starfield while they also say Call of Duty is so unique and nothing compares to it, you know maybe Microsoft won’t make Call of Duty exclusive because of that reason.


Nothing new just that the EU has filed that Microsoft have offered remedies and that the EU will now seek feedback from users and competitors. Also that Microsoft has submitted binding commitments and basically EU likely to approve but the CMA decision is unknown.

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Mlex reporting that all the submissions to the EU are about cloud gaming


Apparently the EU extended their date to May 22nd. I thought it was reported that they were out of extensions. Also thats horrible if Microsft was looking for the decision to bear weight with the CMA (despite public statements).

Two things, may 22nd is the final date but the decision is expected earlier and the announcement was expected the day before the CMA so unlikely to effect the CMA’s decision but they will likely be talking behind the scenes


EC finally realized this deal doesn’t foreclose on the “high end” console business. Let’s see if the CMA comes to their senses as well.


This shit is never gonna end.



They’re going to need different supporting evidence than the one they indicated was an SLC but included 5 years of profits on Xbox but only 1 year of lost profits on Playstation. That was their main evidence that Xbox could proceed with an access foreclosure strategy.

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I don’t know why Sony fans are so hardcore against this lol. If it gets blocked Microsoft could get a publisher they actually care about and it would be more likely to pass.


And yet, it’s still in the time frame Microsoft said.

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Thios latest news does seem to reaffirm that MS has begun to win the arguemtns with the EU. Cdertainly good news on that front.

THe CMA remains the final level boss in all gthis though.

Their announcements publicly have always been supporting Sony, unfortunately. They seem to equate protecting Sony with protecting competition and consumers.

But every day that passes, another elemt slots into place that makes it harder and harder to justify blocking this acquisition.

To be fair to regulators, they have improved the deal significantly, from a market point of view. However, if refused, all that will be lost. Nascent streaming services that before MS signed with them nobody had heard of will just slide back into obscurity. But if this deal goes ahead, people will have access to COD via a multitude of options that do not even require buying a $500 console. THAT is good for consumers.