Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT2| The NeverEnding Acquisition

My cell phone carrier Mint Mobile just got bought by T-Mobile. Mint Mobile is a low cost provider that charges $30 a month, but through T-Mobile I guarantee that phone bill will go up. How can I be sure? Because T-Mobile bought my last carrier Metropcs and the price went up. Before that I was a t-Mobile subscriber but then the the price went up so I changed service.

Living in America is one giant unregulated scam sometimes.


We do have regulations in Canada and it hasn’t done a damn thing to protect us. The big 3 telecoms in the country just continuously buy up any small competitor and it’s just allowed to happen by the CRTC.


Now I can’t get the song out of my head. Thanks for nothing, sir.



Imagine punishing Microsoft for being a shrewd business.

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A system that can’t be challenge should not exist at all, its undemocratic in my eyes.


I’m glad it’s gone because it was silly and a blatant cash grab. However, I also have a slight pang of disappointment as this potentially would have been the case where we got to hear all the juicy details regarding Sony’s and MS’s business practices.


So what now, every company is required to invest in equal terms now to prevent poor little old billion dollar corporation from losing their crown lol. Never saw anything from antitrust laws that said big companies can’t buy anything to make it fair to the small guys, these are ideological lol. Might as well kill capitalism(not saying it’s perfect but its the system we have).


My point was:

That’s a long ass list. But Sony clearly don’t care about looking like hypocrites, now or in the future when they’ll be making new acquisitions.


I agree, just laughing at the suggestion that Microsoft’s big wallet make them less competitive, when they been using theirs to factually weaken Xbox’s competitiveness(timed exclusives etc). Now they f*** around and find out real quick, and they are screeching :rofl:

In my opinion, Microsoft is playing 4D chess with regulators and Sony regarding Call of Duty and exclusive games. Microsoft gave Sony the Bait to challenge them on COD regarding exclusives and Sony took the bait. I can see the latest COD coming to Gamepass early because of Sony’s arguments about COD’s unique position in the market. Microsoft can use Sony’s argument to break their marketing deal earlier than expected.

I just want this whole thing to “blow up in Sony’s face” in some way. That’s the most ideal scenario as far as I am concerned.


people are still spewing this crap? Yes the regulatory body came up with an elaborate scheme to look impartial and then pull the rug out from underneath MS at the last minute and MS lawyers are completely oblivious to it

Yes because I’m sure that wouldn’t end up causing international outrage and flat out destroy the UK relationship with other countries

I mean, it’s not like the UK cleared Microsofts $20B purchase of Nuance last year in phase 1, the UK surely wouldn’t do that and
oh wait
that’s exactly what they did
but I thought they’re out for blood?

Jesus its like people don’t even try to think before talking

I used to think people were spewing crap too, but politics is unpredictable my friend. I want to believe what you said but I’m just pessimistic based of what they are trying to convey. And who are you to say I wasn’t thinking lol, when the CMA themselves is not showing logic that would made me think they are being objective. And no need to be hostile my friend, we both want this to pass obviously.

Microsoft has really made a lot of comments about their market share in Japan. It does make me think they have something planned there after ABK. I have a hard time seeing independent atudios turning things around there.

Something that would be wild to me is Microsoft buying Sega and reintroducing the Sega brand as a cloud device or handheld (with it really also having all the Microsoft brands as well).


Give me an example, in fact while we’re at it give me an example of a regulator in any country that blocked an acquisition successfully because they were “out for blood”

Go on, I’ll wait, just one example

What are they trying to convey exactly? So far you threw the typical crackpot theory of “regulator being out for blood” so give me an example of this

What exactly have the CMA done though? Did the CMA block the deal? No

Are they talking to MS and open to remedies? Yes

So where is the irrationality here?


Remember when Sony entered the video game industry by stumbling over a PS1 on their way home?


Bro, your arguing for no reason, I did not even state my words as facts. I said “feel”, meaning my opinion. But to answer your question, the FTC, Lina Khan? (Yes they have not technically filed an injunction yet). Literally did it because big tech bad. Remember they(the regulators) are trying to change the precedent, cant always really rely on what they did in the past. They are trying to change the landscape of antitrust enforcement by using future hypothetical arguments. Look, im not saying you are wrong, but politics is unpredictable, Brexit happened, Trump happened, Lina Khan happened. I’m not trying to dispute you, its what I “feel”.