Marvel's Blade - Announcement Trailer

Everywhere I turn it’s Blade Blade Blade! Logo Logo Logo!

I don’t know how anyone who actually follows gaming or the media would even entertain that this is coming to Playstation. Like Jesse has said, Marvel games are always announced when they start development. This happened with:

  • Ubisoft when they announced the Star Wars deal
  • Eclipse with a CGI trailer with no platforms
  • Indiana Jones with no platforms (Exclusive via FTC trial)
  • KOTOR with Sony and Aspyr
  • Avengers with Square Enix (No platforms, just a CGI intro)
  • EA with the Iron Man and Black Panther games
  • etc

Arkane is first party and it’s exclusive. It literally fits Xbox’s exclusive mold as it is single player. It will be on Game Pass like everything else.

I’m tired of bad takes or “concern” over messaging. Literally after the announcement, instead of being excited about it, we had certain Xbox personalities already putting down the announcement. Especially from a certain squirrel that knows they have a platform and puts down Xbox a lot recently as if they know more than Phil and co. Why can’t people just be excited we are getting an immersive sim Blade game?

Here is my take:

The game just started development this year or maybe last. With games taking 4 to 6 years to develop, we are looking at 2027-28 for this game. They cannot announce platforms, because they don’t know. This thing is probably a launch game for the next Xbox. We don’t know if it will even be cross-gen. Also, the FTC is still trying to appeal. If any of you saw the trial this Wednesday, they are talking about Zenimax games going exclusive to the panel of judges.

We are 3 years in after Microsoft announced the Zenimax acquisition and we still have to see all these horrible takes.

Elder Scrolls VI will be exclusive. Indy will be exclusive. Doom Zero Year will be exclusive. But somehow Blade won’t be because Marvel won’t let Xbox publish only on their console.


I wish we can just talk about the game and what potentially it can be instead of crying about something that hasn’t happen yet/at all. Blade is one of the most underrated Marvel IP or superhero ip of all time and I am stoked it is getting a game( and by a talented studio).

In regards to the “exclusivity” question. It’s just too early y’all, the same thing happened with Indiana Jones, which didn’t reveal any platform, and guess what, it’s exclusive according to the ABK trial. People keep referring to “case by case basis”, and yet MS made a popular IP not owned by them exclusive, and that should be enough evidence to suggest that this will likely be exclusive. Any other talks about how this being multi plat is just based on unfound speculation.


Agreed i want to talk about the game and a bit tired of the exclusivity talk for something that is 3-5? Years away

I wonder how they’ll handle combat. I hope they make a fun combat system , but wouldn’t mind variety encounters on how they want users to handle them


Hopefully it still retains some immersive sim elements. A Dishonored 2 but third person combat would be nice.




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Really curious about that too. I like how Dinga made a point of mentioning third person, he knows we want it! :slight_smile:

But iirc Arkane has made third person games before, a long time ago but still. Or am I mistaken? Also, I wonder if the art style they have in the trailer is an indication of how it will look, it probably will.

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This dude is a walking L. I don’t think he’s gotten anything right, he just throws shit at the wall to see what sticks, the only thing is for this guy nothing ever sticks.


I felt trailer was to give us the vibe they’re going for and introducing the character . I like how it’s set in Paris because we don’t really get games set in that city and I like the music that was being played. I think they did a good job with the music. I think that might be the art style they’re going for because it seems like arkane Lyon games have a similar style



My man @Shpeshal_Nick was saying Indiana Jones was an Xbox exclusive well before the FTC trial began (Jez ended up being incorrect about it too).


Whats Nick alluding to? Backlash of it being exclusive?

Honestly, I would not be surprised if Microsoft deliberately did not announce the game was exclusive

They know that the topic of exclusivity brings headlines and a never ending cycle of news to the game which makes it the focus of attention for a long time

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What sucks is that Xbox showed or announced two third-person action games with character focus at TGA, which many perceived they need, and it’s about exclusivity nonsense in these hardcore circles instead. Anyway, I think we’re not seeing Blade for quite a few years so we have plenty of time to speculate what it will be. I wonder if they originally wanted to have the game release close to the planned movie, but as far as I know that one also got several delays and reboots.


I’m not sure that I buy that it was deliberate, but you’re not wrong in terms of the effect it has. If it was announced as exclusive, certain gamers would immediately dismiss it. Either because of sour grapes, or simply because they don’t have an Xbox and aren’t about to buy one just for this.

But if the door is left open for speculation amongst gaming media and the general public, you end up creating some hope that maybe they’ll be able to play it afterall. And so they pay a little more attention to the game. It gets a bit of their mindshare. And then one or two or three years down the line, when it’s revealed to be an exclusive, suddenly the FOMO becomes real and who knows? Maybe they’ll get a console or a Game Pass sub.

But would Xbox be this clever/devious? I don’t know, I kinda think not, but maybe.


Yes sir, and he really stood by it too.

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This is how i think it is:

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It’s because he’s a grifter. He never actually worked for Sony as his backstory suggests and i am 90% sure this is just that Rynthian or whatever his name was again, under a different name.


90% of the discourse around this game is about the f***ing Xbox logo and whether the game is exclusive. Modern gaming culture sucks.


Always the case. Even after 20+years I still meet bitter nintendo fans who think Rare games might still come to Nintendo. This absolutely a long term issue stemming from implied entitlement.

According to certain folk that is somehow Xbox’s fault.