JRPGs |OT| The Grind to Level 99 is Paved With Good Intentions

I finished Atelier Ryza 3 a few days ago, now I have some free time to write down my thoughts.

It was an awesome albeit a bit bloated game. It is the longest Atelier game I think. I finished at about 85 hours with 100% content done. Meanwhile I was 100% done with Ryza 1 and 2 at about 45 hours.

I was very impressed with Gust trying out an open world style game. There are 4 regions that are very large and, unlike previous Atelier games, are not divided up with loading zones. The first region is the entire Ryza 1 map + a huge new area added to it.

Of course, the worldā€™s can be a little ā€œjankyā€ and ā€œwartyā€. You can climb up certain things by jumping a lot and end up walking on invisible platforms for example. This can be amusing but it does show this was a very ambitious game for Gust.

The exploration is fun, there is a variety of things to see and landmarks to visit similar to Xenoblade. One big con though, is that while the worlds are filled with treasure chests to reward you for exploring, they are all filled with trash materials that you find anywhere.

As I said before, this game is long. Atelier games are usually small scale ā€œhomelyā€ stories, but this is a full globe trotting adventure. You even build more Ateliers in the various regions you visit.

I love how far the characters have come since the first game. Ryza herself has become an awesome and cool leader. 4 years have passed since the first game, so the characters are now in their 20s, I played the first one when it was new it was nice seeing them grow up.

One issue I had with the story though is that it dragged on for longer than it needed to. By the time I had all regions 100% explored, crafted the best gear, etc, there was still like 10 hours of story left, and a big chunk of it was filler.

The gameplay is more or less the same as the previous Ryza games. Very flashy ā€œATBā€ combat (Final Fantasy style) with a lot of button mashing out your combos. In true Atelier fashion the battles revolve around your crafted gear and the thing I love about these games is conjuring up obscenely powerful and broken gear, which this game allows for almost too easily lol.

This was mentioned on the Xboxera review already, but the map screen is pretty annoying. Pointless ā€œputting menus inside menusā€ kind of thing, same with getting to the equipment screen which ironically wasnā€™t a problem in Ryza 2. So the UI is overall not great.

Lastly I should talk about the ā€œkeysā€ system they introduced. It is pretty poorly explained and by the time I actually started engaging with it was the point when I was able to break it apart and make broken ā€œkeysā€. You can use them to unlock barriers in the world and also use them as powerups in battle. It seems overall best to just basically ignore the system until you get the ability to create Super Rare keys 100% of the time as those are kind of the only useful ones.

So overall Iā€™d give the game an 8/10. Itā€™s not as ā€œcompact/tightlyā€ designed as Iā€™m used to an Atelier game being, but Gust made something Iā€™d never expect from them and I think it mostly turned out fantastic. I am interested to see how the next Atelier series turns out now that the Ryza series has concluded.


Thanks for your thoughts! The trash materials in chests and ā€œyou did everything but hereā€™s way too much story stillā€ are kind of pet peeves of mine, but I guess you could consider them growing pains if this is an ambitious departure from the previous entries. Iā€™m curious to try this series at some point!

Is this the year that Xbox gamers will finally see FF7R on the platform? Iā€™d love for more to experience it, itā€™s a neat take on the classic. Iā€™d also love to see FF14 but lord knows thatā€™s probably never going to happen.

I would love to have FF7R in 2023 and then wait another 4-5 years for the second part while Playstation users can play it in 2024 and PC users few month after ā€¦ No, thanks.

Ship has sailed.


Youā€™re a lot of funā€¦.I always think better late than never. To each their own, enjoy your day.

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Iā€™m sorry, but at this point itā€™s frustrating to wait for Square games on Xbox. The last game develope by Square on Xbox was released in 2020.

Would be a good to have FF7R on Xbox ? Of course.But it feels like releasing FF7R now is kind of a marketing tool for part 2.

You like FF7R and want to play part 2 ? Just buy a PS5 or wait forever for an Xbox port.

You donā€™t grow your userbase by porting your biggest game few year after the original release and wonder why itā€™s unpopular on Xbox.


Iā€™d rather get a game for a ā€œmarketing toolā€ than not at all I guess. Getting to play and more people playing is better than not.


I canā€™t see it happening until all chapters have been released on PS5. Itā€™s a shame, as I really liked what I played of it on a friends PS. Currently, Iā€™m just waiting for it to drop to a reasonable price on Steam and Iā€™ll pick it up.

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Ff7r is never coming. 16 could when it inevitably flops sales wise

Iā€™m a fan of the original, and obviously this is only part of the story and a complete remake, but I found it endearing to revisit the world. I love the characters, itā€™s gorgeous, and pretty darn fun to boot. Hoping it hits every platform it can so more folks can check it out.

Yeah, unfortunately I also canā€™t see it coming until after they combine all the parts into one package. On the other hand, hopefully that will cost a lot less as well.

Yeah, Iā€™ve played through the og a few times since it launched and itā€™s one of my favourite gaming worlds, and the remake does an excellent job of recreating it with modern gaming design.

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I would like to see it but I just donā€™t think Xbox will be paying for it to come to the platform/to GP with FF7R-2 and 3 being PS timed exclusives too, I donā€™t even see Xbox advertising it if Square brought it over without Xbox funding either (extremely unlikely). IMO Xbox wonā€™t get these games till all 3 of them are released.

Iā€™m not in the ā€œhate Square Enixā€ camp or anything, I play most of their Switch releases, but thatā€™s just how I feel what Xbox would do with FF7R.

You mentioned FF14, which would actually be the more likely one, considering Phil has actually mentioned it multiple times.

Square Enix showing up with something (not just FF) at the showcase would be nice though.


So Grubb said on Giant Bomb FF9 is real. Nvidia leak is crazy.

Anyways itā€™s my favorite Final Fantasy and I hope itā€™s coming out soon.

Etrian Odyssey Collection acquired.

Even with the shipping costs it was still about $25-30 CAD less than buying digital!

Itā€™s a Japanese copy, not sure if it supports English. There is an Asian copy which does support English but it was more expensive. I donā€™t think it will be a problem though.

Iā€™m happy to support the return of the series, I wish it was cheaper and also on PS/Xbox though.

What would be hilarious, though very unlikely, is if publishers were like, hey leak this and if people respond well we can make it :blush:

Replaying Ni No Kuni 1 after 11 years and I forgot how slow this game is. Story, combat and even movement. Everything is slow.

Itā€™s very slow but I really enjoyed it. Iā€™m still struggling to stick with the sequel as it doesnā€™t feel like NI No Kuni at all. Completely different combat, art and I absolutely hate the battle mini game you are made to do to progress the story.

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I prefer 2 over 1 anyday