Jeff Grubb STRONGLY Hints @ EA Play coming to Game Pass

I would agree it is not “earth shattering”, but I also think that this may one of the clearest “win win” scenarios that I can recall for both Xbox and EA in such a partnership. I have tried EA Access for a month or so here and there, but I never really wanted to spend for it on a regular basis. By having it in Game Pass Ultimate I could very easily end up doing a Star Wars Squadrons trial for example and decide to buy a game that I may not have otherwise with the 10% EA Play discount then too.

This of course benefits EA by having more people trying, playing and buying games/addons. But it is also great for Xbox because it makes me as a Game Pass subscriber feel that the already awesome Game Pass value just keeps growing in terms of benefit to me, as I would likely check out a game such as Burnout Remastered on there for instance which just grows my “library” of games to play. Further engagement with and use of the EA Play subscription can mean also mean that EA continues to grow and mature the service itself, as they have seemed to indicate was a goal with the coming rebranding to ‘EA Play’ instead of ‘EA Access’.


How does getting year old sports games as part of their sub service win them next gen?

I didn’t want to be that guy but yeah EA Access adds content basically right before the new installment. It’ll be cool for backlog I guess but it isn’t like EA will adopt the day n date model they’re too greedy lol but that would be the game changer

I agree that it isn’t some type of next gen game changer, but as I noted in a previous post above it is clearly a “win win” for both Xbox and EA that definitely continues to add value to the Game Pass subscription if this does happen.

It’ll for sure add more value which is never a bad thing. And who knows maybe being brought into gamepass will increase their numbers to a point where they do consider day n date. I doubt it but there’s always a possibility. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What “could” happen over time is that EA Play grows enough that EA offers a premium tier like on PC which costs some additional money, and being in Game Pass would still add value by getting a discount toward buying a premium tier addon for example.

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I could see that. Every publisher will be pushing digital more in some form heading into the next couple of years so it should be interesting how things shape out

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I wonder if they’ll add EA Play (the new EA access) to Game Pass Ultimate as an added value but then EA could also bring EA Play Pro separately to Xbox as well.

So you want access to the game library and the older sports titles well you could get that with GPU, or if you want everything day 1 you gotta pay separately for EA Play Pro.

A deal to bring all EA titles ray 1 on GPU would probably cost too much, unless MS skipped all those exclusivity deals that Sony did and put all of its eggs in the EA basket, which would probably cost a fortune but would be, imo, a very calculated risk and worth the investment.

On PC they have Origin access premier which includes EA games to launch on same day as retail

That shit needs to be on console ASAP. wth

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Id like to see included EA Play with an upgrade to EA Play Pro at a reduced rate (say $10 instead of $15). Itd be like adding a premium channel to a cable service.

I subscribe to EA Play and GamePas Ultimate. Would be nice (and huge) if they merged.

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this would probably be the best outcome.

consider that for Premier on PC the monthly sub is 15€ , while the yearly is 100€(dunno in $ but i imagine is similar)

The XSX reveal trailer had Halo- Forza & Football/soccer game in its presentation.

Just saying :wink:

Always thought that was related to PES which is already part of Gamepass

I can’t see it happening.

Now, EA Play Premier on Xbox i can see :slight_smile:

Hmm… Would make sense, and I’m assuming it would just be the vault games. Can’t say I’m too excited as this would only save me 30 bucks a year, but still, more value to gamepass!

Wow I forgot that. I think it’s really going to happen, I hope we get FIFA day one on gamepass, would be huge

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I can see EA Play vault on Game Pass and EA Play Pro as additional EA subscription. Price will be as always important.

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