IP that Xbox should revive for Series X and forward

Mech assault loved that game back in the day

Blinx and Top Spin again

Viva Pinata and Banjo-Kazooie with the same game play style of Nuts & Bolts.

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For sure Mechassault. But honestly, for an IP that shouldn’t be brought back is Banjo-Kazooie. Listen, I know its a cult classic and there are alot of fans for it, but I just dont see how Banjo would be good for this time. I guess…this game would have to compete against Mario in a way and that would be hard to do. It would literally need to be a complete revamp In a way no one would expect.

The destruction and explosions were impressive as hell on the OG Xbox. Can you imagine how great the game would look on the Series X?! :drooling_face:

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Top 10 I want to come back

1.Ninja Gaiden


3.Alan Wake

4.Ryse son of rome



7.Lost Odyssey

8.Ninja Blade

9.Quantum Break



Chromehounds, Crimson Skies, and Conker - in that order.

Me seeing the Blinx love ITT


I see a lot of mentions for Lost Odyssey. I have never played it, but I have watched some gameplay videos and it reminded me of the Golden era of FF games. My favorites were 7 and 8. Has anyone beaten the game? Any recommendations to pick up and try it? If it were to return I would supposed Xbox would probably want a Japanese studio to tackle it. It could be done by an American or European studio i suppose… wouos you want a sequel, remake, or reboot of the franchise? I also saw an argument to makw each release a continuation of the same story, versus having a new story and characters each time. I can see the appeal in both honestly. I do like a long fleshed out story, but I also like the idea of a studio not being tethered to the same setting each time. Any thoughts?

I have seen this brought up a ton as well. I know Phil Spencer has mentioned it being one of his favorite games time and time again. There were tons of rumors there was a deal made with the dev or another mech game to work on this IP. Not too sure how true it was now, but we know they are holding some atuff back.

Make it happen Phil, I believe.


That sounds like a great idea to me. I have always felt Xbox should have bought the farm and kept Ninja Gaiden or a spiritual successor exlcusive. I am sure there was an opportunity there at some point. We could write a book about some of the missed opportunities Xbox has had though.

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All I need!

Came into the thread curious since couldn’t think of many off top of my head. Reading comments though…man, some really good potential here that I forgot about!

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If you know, you know…

Just thinking of 1vs100! So fun!

Perfect Dark

The og xbox had Crazy Taxi 3. I would love to see more fun arcade type games like it. It doesn’t have to have insane graphics. Just give me HDR and a high frame rate. I would love to see a create a city mode.

Jet Set Radio!

Several posters mentioned Fusion Frenzy. It definitely sounds like a great idea. We need more local multiplayer games.

A Crimson Skies reboot utilizing technology from Flight Simulator.

Rival Schools / Project Justice revival. It’s not a xbox ip but it was on Dreamcast too. The original arcade game had a tag team feature during matches that was missing on the ps1 version due to memory constraints. Include some Street Fighter characters besides Sakura. A 120 fps mode. If Sony helped fund Street Fighter 5, I really hope Microsoft could help fund some Sega and Capcom games.

Diddy Kong Racing was amazing. Cant include Diddy but the old cast could be included like Banjo and Conker. Throw Yooka Laylee in there. Get David Wise to compose the soundtrack again.

There’s a lot of stuff I want revived, but two cool and important ones coming from really different eras:

  1. Age of Mythology

    This is THE pc game of my childhood (with CS with HL1 being close seconds maybe). The Definitive Editions and AoE4 have shown us that this is feasible currently, so I have my hopes up.

  2. Recore

    Now for a newer game. Recore is a game with a lot of flaws in my opinion. But I loved the world and I think lots of stuff can be made with this IP. I think focus in a tighter platforming experience should be key.

Perfect Dark,Blinx “to counter attack Stray” Banjo Kazooie and hey why not Brute Force.