Immortals Fenyx Rising

Is it really going to go below $29.99 even a year from now?

Is it really $30? Guess it’s time to get it. Really don’t need a bigger backlog right now but it looks like a game I’d enjoy eventually.

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30 physical, 40 digital

Thanks for the clarification! I haven’t bought a physical disc in about a decade. lol

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Loved the first hour I put in so far, planning to get going once I plat Demons Souls


This game has been suprisingly, awesome. It sands down some annoying parts of breath of the wild, improves the combat, and because I don’t play assassin’s creed that much it’s all fresh to me.

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Beat this game last night. Took me around 30 hours but I still have plenty of side stuff to do. It’s one of those games that doesn’t let you go back and do stuff after you beat it, but it does warn you of that before you hit the point of no return. There were def a few annoying puzzles. Not hard to figure out, but hard to actually do due to boxes/rocks breaking when you throw them and you have to toss them JUST right in order for them not to break. The ending dragged a bit more than I’d have liked but I still enjoyed the game. Solid 8/10 for me and recommend it for anyone that it looks interesting to. :slight_smile:

This is very surprising to hear! I figured an open-world game would use any contrivance to justify giving you the ability to do post-game mop-up. I always do appreciate a point of no return warning, though.

I spent a few more hours playing this, and I’m liking it a fair bit more than my initial impression. I really like the way the upgrade system works, where you don’t have to worry about attack or defense points, just perks. It’s miles and miles above what AC Origins and Odyssey (and maybe Valhalla) did, just throwing tons of scaling equipment at you and making you do the busywork of checking it, disassembling it, etc…

Oh lord, game just crashed and the most current save point was blown away… My son is mighty upset at the moment.

Yeah, 10 hours in and this game is truly fantastic!

Upgrade your basic abilities as soon as you can!!


I think it’s a bug. After accepting the fact that the save point was gone, we immediately went back to the same encounter (Crystal Shadow Hammer) and the game crashed again. I suspect trying to stay on the high ground and spamming them enemies with arrows causes the bug to be triggered for some reason.

Still on sale eh…

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You won’t be disappointed, I got it for my son since he is super into Greek mythology not expecting much from the game. Turned out that the game is fuckin awesome.

Stop. Tempting. Me.

It seems like you have plenty to play as it is. Just focus on your backlog for a year or so and pick this up when it’s cheaper, more robust, and has more content!

That’s what I’m thinking.

Looks SOOO good though.

But I already have two Ubisoft collect-a-thons in my to-do list (Valhalla is pretty)

Wow, this piece of garbage just crashed and the last autosave is from hours of progress ago. Absolutely infuriating on a game like this, where I’d have to go through shrines I already completed. What a waste of an evening.

Same thing happened to my son today, game crashed and two days worth of saves got blown away. Just curious though, which section did your crash occur?

What platform are both of you playing on?