Immortals Fenyx Rising

Yeah I plan on doing those as well. I don’t need a guide tho. It probly would save me time, but no reason to cheat for something that I’ll be going to explore and do anyways :). Got 7+ hours in it now and that Ares Spears AoE attack is OP as fuck lol. Stunning almost all the monsters with two hits so far, lol. The game is so dam fun!

What difficulty level are all of you playing on?

I’m close to pulling the trigger on this game but i have so many other games to play so I’ll pass for now i think.

No need to rush into a purchase if it’s gonna sit on your shelf for a while. Ubisoft games tend to crater in price, too!

I played a few hours of this, it’s cute but not exactly setting my world on fire. Gonna give it more of a chance though, since I’m still very early on.

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I got the Gold Edition for Christmas! Looks like a fun game, and the announced DLC’s should be interesting.

Don’t know when I’ll actually start it though :wink:

Just picked this one up myself, think it will be my focus for a Lets Play on the site for a while. I’ve been listening to Gareth Coker’s soundtrack for it. His work is just so good.


What a sleeper hit this is. Releasing it tucked between the latest Assassin’s Creed and Cyberpunk with a full price was suicide, but boy it’s good! Takes all the good aspects of BOTW and various good elements of the latest AC trilogy and blends them together to form a not necessarily original, but definitely brilliant game. Can see myself losing a lot of hours to this during the holidays.


Absolute joy to play and I’m having a right blast with it. It copies just the right amount from other games to be it’s own little blend and I can’t fault it. Well, ok, I can. The HDR. I can’t get it right. I don’t know why they didn’t just allow you to see the ingame visuals when changing it… nothing I do looks any good on my oled. The colours pop too much in some spots but not all over, or the contrast is whack… never had a HDR issue like this before, so I’ve just turned it off.

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Looks like its only $30 on Amazon, kinda tempted.

Looking at this on Amazon like:

I JUST bought RE3make, Yakuza Like A Dragon, Star Wars Squadrons and Spider-Man Miles Morales PS4 with the after-Christmas sales. This is on top of getting CP2077 and AC:Valhalla. I’m drowning in games and Yakuza Remastered Collection comes out in January along with The Medium.

I’m not hurting for anything to play, BUT IT’S SO DAMN LOW AND I HAVE A FEW BUCKS LEFT… ARGH


DO IT!!! What’s one more game??? It’s nothing.

Nah, man. Immortals is a hidden gem. :grinning:


Don’t need to listen…you can see and thus, read so there you go. Hehehe.

LOL. If you have money/credit/whatever left over and are going to buy it anyway, why not just do it?

Several Reasons:

  • The chance that something else could go on sale. Also it’s already 29.99, it could be lower by summer.
  • Hitman 3 comes out at the end of next month
  • My backlog is already ginormous. Like it’s getting ridiculous. Granted GamePass hasn’t taken care of most of my purchasing needs, but still, it’s a farce at this point.
  • So many games, so little time!
  • Is there another game you want more than Immortals that is currently on sale or you’re waiting for a particular game to go on sale? Immortals will probably drop by the summer. Can’t argue this part.
  • Hitman 3 while not for me does look great.
  • Regarding backlogs, at some point, just better off eliminating the lesser games or those that are years old and you know that you won’t play. Sometimes, if I haven’t played a game within a year of buying it, I know im never going to play it. If I was to go back to being a kid with NES, I would probably have over a thousand games to play and complete since then and it’s never going to happen for various reasons so instead, since Xbox 360/PS3, I eliminated all of those old games because I know that im never going to play them and now with the current generation, I eliminated any Xbox 360/PS3 and PS4/Xbox One games that I wanted to play. I only have a single game - Wasteland 3 and only because it’s on Game Pass and I have a 3 month GPU redeem code. Better off just eliminating games that you know you’ll never play and complete.
  • I had that problem but new generation, a nice clean fresh start with no backlog whatsoever. Granted, I have a few games I need to play but since I have a few more days to go until I get the Series X, they don’t count as a backlog due to not having the console. Hehe.

Immortals Fenyx Rising is the second game that I will be playing and im really looking forward to it. The first game is Watch Dogs Legion only because it’s disc based and when I complete, I will want to trade it in.

Obviously up to you. Comes down to where Immortals ranks for you in regards to how much you want to play it and how soon.

Part 1 of my playthrough should be up in a few hours. Anyone interested in trying it may want to take a look and see if it is worth getting while it is still on sale.

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