I really hope Persona rumors for Xbox and other platforms are true

I’d love to see them get NISA on board, just for those sweet, sweet Falcom titles. Ys VIII, Ys IX, and Trails of Cold Steel 3 and 4. It SEEMED like they had -somewhat- of something going with Disgaea 4 Complete launching into PC Game Pass, even with achievements, but it’s been silence since, and Trails of Cold Steel 4 is launching onto Steam next week without an MS store version.

Yup and it will probably be on Xbox for cheap as well given how they are pricing the Yakuza games on Xbox as they are late ports. I wish Square Enix was like Sega when it comes to that.

Aaaaand every title I just mentioned got announced for STADIA. Lol. If Stadia can do it, I don’t see why it should be tricky for Xbox to do it. https://twitter.com/GoogleStadia/status/1375108286278557701

Stadia paid a shit ton for basically PC versions of games that exist. Also you have to pay full price for those games as well.

No idea why Google are wasting money but its nice to get more exposure. Still will never play Stadia. Certainly will never ever buy Stream only games.

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I would pay full price for Ys IX and Cold Steel 4 on Xbox, since they are brand new. Cold Steel 3 and Ys VIII I would expect on Game Pass though, since they are older. Also, Stadia doesn’t run on Windows, so there must be some manner of work involved in porting these games from “PC” to Stadia.

I just find it a tad annoying that new Falcom games are now on





Amazon Luna

I feel like there’s an easy game pass deal here. It seems like NISA is pretty easy to approach about it. Hell, maybe there is one happening already.

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I love P5 but would be thrilled to have P4:G. Best Persona in my opinion.

I would too. But those would be built on xbox and ran from the hardware.

I will never pay full price for stream only games. I’ll only play stream games on a sub service. And stadias is shit.

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Oh yeah. Stadia runs on Linux it seems.

The list of platforms that it runs on - almost begs for a Gamepass version. I won’t be surprised if they are scheduled to appear in thr next few months.

Honestly, if Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, Trails, Ys and more Square games are coming, Xbox will be a fantastic place for Japanese games. I’m not sure who would do the port for Ys and Trails though - as far as I know Falcom is a really small developer with limited resources, they even said that developing that additional Switch version had them allocate a lot of their small resources. I’d not rule out a PC Game Pass-only deal in this case.

Probably like with Nier Automata, it will be ported by the third party.

Yeah I hope Xbox is getting on top of getting those games ASAP because it’s actually just outright comical how many platforms they’re on that… aren’t Xbox, lol. I’ve actually been looking at reactions to the games coming to Stadia on various different communities and I’m seeing TONS of “Why Stadia? I wish this was coming to Xbox instead…” kinda reactions. I’ve also looked through the Stadia catalouge and can safely say: These are the only “notable” titles Stadia has that Xbox does not. Everything else is on Xbox except for ~5 or so extremely obscure indies. For me, Falcom games on Xbox, is like, the ultimate dream. Persona would be great, but I’d be jumping up and down for these games on Xbox lol. I played Ys VIII on PS4 already but man oh man I’d be replaying it right away on Xbox.

I think it’s actually NISA who develops the PC and Switch versions of Falcom’s games (which is also why they come later than the PS4 versions). This probably does mean, unfortunately, like Disgaea 4, that if these games come to Game Pass, they will be PC only (I’d play them on there anyway, for Achievements and Xbox platform support, but man, it wouldn’t be the same). Then again, I don’t know how Stadia porting works, but I do know that it can’t be just a simple drag and drop process of the Windows PC version, because Stadia is on it’s own OS. If NISA can be convinced to take on “Stadia development”, maybe MS can show them the success of games like Yakuza and (seemingly so far) Octopath Traveler on Game Pass and convince them it will be worth it. It’s probably a lot simpler to port to Stadia than a whole console port, however, but I think they would find Game Pass far more rewarding. And also, for the first time ever, NISA will be publishing an Xbox game this April, in the form of R-Type Final 2, so maybe that will be a nice toe dip into publishing on Xbox for them.

Apologies for the walls of text but I am frothing at the mouth at the slight hope of these games on Xbox. Octopath initially came to Stadia randomly as well, and then some time later, BAM, Xbox port. I want to see the same happen here.

I bought a Vita specifically for P4G back in the day, I’d love Persona to come to Xbox (even better if it’s Game Pass).

I think it will happen, and I think we’ll start to see more and more Japanese games on Xbox as the generation goes on. I get the vibe that Phil really wants to make it happen.

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Haha no problem, you‘re talking to the person who made the Square-Enix thread which was possibly written in the desire to get more of their games on Xbox but even more so in frustration that these games shouldn‘t even be in question with them having way more resources than Falcom/NISA. I have long predicted that Game Pass could be the one avenue to get more Japanese games on Xbox. And I‘ve been proven right given that we can see so many Yakuza fans on Xbox now, among others! Again, if all of these franchises we mentioned do come over, I see no reason why Xbox would be a second-class choice for Japanese games anymore. But even Game Pass for PC with full achievement support would be a good start for Ys and Trails. Persona is probably much more of a given though.

This topic hurts to read because I so desperately want you all to be right. Time will tell!


We need the Gust games on Xbox too. I remember they said they were seriously considering an Xbox version of Fairy Tail but sadly in the end it didn’t happen, hopefully later. The Atelier games should come too, they’ve been remastering the trilogies from Arland onwards so mighty as well come to Xbox. Plus Ryza is popular.

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We won’t know for a while. I’m guessing mid apil or mid may. Whenever new Gamepass games get announced. Usually its once a month.

Or it might be a Yakuza sitation where theyre announced for Gamepass and we see them come several months later.

I am curious if we will have big announcements on E3 regarding Game Pass games.

I think we will. Like in E3 2019 they announced Batman: Arkham Knight, Borderlands, and some other stuff.

Where is all the Ys and Trails talk coming from? Just speculation I assume? And if Trails comes, I’d much rather see TitS series instead of CS series. Not going to happen, but those games are so good.

They’re on PC so xbox port is very easy. Also they’re coming to stadia. So my guess is NIS are gonna bring them to xbox soon

I hope. But those games won’t get that much attention. Persona 5 absolutely will