Horizon Forbidden West Gameplay Reveal

Nothing but landscapes for 5 hours.

Yeah I just saw your post.

They are seriously going to show a stream of these 5 locations for 5 hours?!

Don’t get me wrong, these are nice looking locations, but ain’t nobody got time for that :sweat_smile:

are you fucking kidding me right now???

I was waiting all day for this shit to actually start sometime in the goddamn midnight?

Yeah, weird concept, don’t know what’s really the allure in this.

Countdown… to a 5 hour countdown. Great stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah this is ridiculous.

One for the records. Imagine thinking this was a good idea.


Cool, cos that’s a good use of everyone’s time…

What were they thinking? At least have BossLogic draw something like Valhalla did last year.

Pretty dumb move imo… I didn’t read the fine print on this, just expected the event to start at… you know… the announced start time. How silly of me.


yeah I just did what almost everyone waiting for this did, go on youtube and just turn on reminder, cuz not being from the same timezones I get confused when shit starts and what not, so best to just go on youtube and learn when it starts in absolute countdown. Waited an entire day excited to check it and… well, here it is, 5 more hours of what could have been a chill pre-stream 15-30 minutes at max. Oh well guess I’ll catch it tomorrow morning.

How Sony puts it:

Tune in from 9AM Pacific Time for a uniquely crafted countdown to the main event - starting at 2PM PT.



Odd take on what “Pre-Show” means.

Join us on Twitch or YouTube from 9AM PDT / 5PM BST / 6PM CEST for the special State of Play Pre-Show, and at 2PM PDT / 10PM BST / 11PM CEST for the Horizon Forbidden West gameplay reveal.

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10 minutes left now.

Why is the stream only 1080p? Ugh…

They didn’t warn of any 4K pre-recorded video they’d upload afterwards.

Looking forward to this. Those shots are beautiful.

I wonder if we’ll get a specific release date today.

Aloys face looks weird