Horizon Forbidden West Gameplay Reveal


Isn’t that game coming this Fall?

The Office Party Hard GIF

Love Horizon Zero Dawn.

Best PS4 game by a mile.


If it actually is going to make it out this year, I will have to start trying to snag a PS5 again (I sold my first one a while back).

With Sony’s history of announcing games very early and then delaying it several times…we’ll see about that release this year. For example we had Jeff Grubb saying Q1 2022.

Historically Sony shows first gameplay a year (at least in some cases) in advance of release.

  • Ratchet gameplay was a year ago. So was Gran Turismo 7
  • The Last of Us 2 and Guns of Satsuma in 2019.
  • Spider-man 2017.
  • Horizon ZD 2015.
  • Uncharted 4 2014.

Aside from PS5 launch games I can’t really think of any time they haven’t done this.


This is great news!!! 14 minutes of gameplay??? Let’s go!!! Of course, does this mean that Sony isn’t having a State of Play Showcase in June/July or is this because they know it’s coming in early 2022 and want to get the bad news out of the way? Even though showing gameplay which will look amazing, I don’t think most people will see a few extra months as bad news.

TLOUP2 and Tsushima had gameplay in June 2018 at E3.

Yeah, I can absolutely see a new release date of Q1 2022 in that trailer this week. If they still have 2021 in there, that would be rather nasty. Unless Grubb was just dead wrong of course.

Also, Guns of Satsuma? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Damn dude should’ve kept it :sweat_smile:

Wow, awesome! I need to get my butt in gear and finally finish the first one.

Gotta agree. It has it’s faults like any other game but far more enjoyable than the usual fair from Sony. Also my only platinum trophy.

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Yeah you’re right. I forgot Sony skipped E3 2018

I hadnt played it since about a week after launch. And I dont like Ratchet and Clank games. So there was no reason to hold onto it in the short term. It also cant be understated how ugly and gigantic it is. Especially sitting in my black glass entertainment center. Ugh.

This is the game that will get me to breakdown on my promise of not getting a PS5 till I pay off my car.

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Funnily enough I’d probably be looking for one if they had an XSS equivalent for this game and whatever freebies they are throwing around.


Can’t wait to see more. Loved the first game, especially when the story started picking up. Looking forward to seeing what they show. Would like to see how the PS4 version looks but I doubt they’ll show it.


Haha. You mean they skipped 2019. lol

Yes. Ppl online seem to have invented the notion it will be 2022 out of thin air. No reason to think it doesn’t land this fall tho. If they are doing a deep dive already that means it is on track for their targeted fall release imho.

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I suppose we’ll know in 2 days!

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I don’t know, I was hearing early on last year, before the pandemic was in full swing, that H:FW was fairly aggressive to make it in 2021, where they said their aim was 2021 but wouldn’t be surprised if some slight delays.