Hogwarts Legacy |OT|

It’s a good thing this game looks tremendously dogshit both design and performance wise. I don’t even need to be a Potter fan to feel bad about it lmao.

Sucks that Avalanche was put right to work on yet another megabudget open world game soup instead of something interesting but that’s the game!

Dont feel bad. The sales and critical/user positive reactions will help it i guess.

Also youre confusing avalanche studios with avalanche software. But its ok we all make mistakes.

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It’s such a shame, a great game is caught up in all this nonsense

It wont matter when it makes so much money.


This game already has 400k plus concurrent players and thats only from people who bought the deluxe early access version

Imagine the numbers when the base game hits friday…holy moly.

This is going to be up there as one of the best selling games of the year easily.


I’m getting it Friday.

What’s the best mode? I think that’s probably the one with 40fps. Getting the best visuals, raytracing and 40fps. Which is this?

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60 fps base, 30 fps modes both move like crud. 40fps mode doesn’t hold 40 enough, and ultra performance looks a bit too ugly

Hmm, I see. That’s too bad about 40fps. 60fps it is then. But does that have the better lighting and raytracing?

No, but in motion it looks far better than the others do.

Insane amount of attention to details… This game is all the fans wanted, even though it always felt to be impossible.

I’m not close to be the craziest HP fan, but the universe’s rendition in 3D is just 10/10. I’m stunned already after the first hour.

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I tried the balanced mode on a 120hz display with the framerate cap on and didn’t like it. Took the cap off and it might be the main way I play now. Lighting/textures look better and it’s not a shooter so I don’t mind that it’s muddier.


This is gonna hit 30 million sales, if not more.

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I’m all for people making their views known and calling out the game and the company behind it-- but what’s sad to see in my opinion is fans turning their vitriol on other fans instead of the game.

I saw that tweet where someone is compiling a list of small streamers who play the game, and all that is is an invitation to brigading and abuse. No good can come of that.

People need to remember that their beef is with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., and/or the game itself. Not other regular people in the fandom.


That would require people to be sensible and logical. :phil_lmao:


Stumbled upon this:

Is this real? If so, um, wow. I mean I don’t know. I understand the story behind the creator, but it’s a fictional story. It feels…childish to be that mad.


It’s real but the tweet he was replying to was deleted so i’m guessing it was a pretty insulting based on a follow up tweet he posted




I saw a reply to it, saying how hypocrite of him when gushing over Nintendo stuff. Truth be told, I like Nintendo still, but their legion is arguably worse than PS. From being super cool with $70 including for Metroid Prime Remastered to just about everything, you can easily please them.


Anyone know when the next Avalanche live stream will be? I just need a few minutes to get that final Twitch drop!

This game is phenomenal!!


Hmm so John hate children game and open world game?

Yet in his ‘Digital Foundry The John Linneman Collections’ you see many children game like for example. It take two, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder’s Revenge etc… Star Ocean The Divine Force and Elden Ring for open world game.

Come on John don’t be a hypocrite now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: