Hogwarts Legacy |OT|

Sounds damn good! Truly hope more and more games start doing this.

Looking at you Todd. :sunglasses:


Time to travel


For anyone interested I played about 6 hours or so today on our Twitch channel. Game is great

Twitch VOD: available now at 1080/60 6k bitrate

YT VoD is uploading here at 1440p/60 18k bitrate (but itā€™s 41gb so itā€™ll take a while)


Got the deluxe, went to the steam forumsā€¦ suddenly the game is NOT releasing in an hour, its releasing tomorrow at 7pm(for literally no fuckin reason at allā€¦ and yes, allow me to swear cause Iā€™m fuckin mad) and the game still has no preload at all. Aside of that it has denuvo wich we all know it sucks(cause it can be easily cracked(yes, yes it can) and tanks perfomanceā€¦ and wait, what? The game runs poorly on PC as I just saw on a german review site. Game on PC is running at less than 20 fps on cutscenes, with massive drops in the game, half the options dont work, the RTX is completely broken,etc but they somehow have a patch ready for day 1(wich day 1? I dont fuckin know) that ā€œfixesā€ all of this.

What a scam, seriously.

Iā€™m kinda sick that devs, that literally make games on PC, cause thereā€™s no other way to make AAA games, are unable to make the game properly run on the tool they use to create said games. This stuff should be regulated, you are promising a working product and you aint delivering one.

WBIE PC ports are Square level most of the time, no clue why.

Yeah, I think we all remember Arkham Knight being broken(i think it was even retired from the store for a while). The conspiracy theorist in my would believe this is some weird plot to make consoles look betterā€¦ but lets face it, its just Warner not givin them time, devs not knowing how to develop games for PC and not having a proper port team.

I hope tomorrow it actually works properly but Im watching streams and on a 3090 is having frame drops

Lol PC.

PC early access timeā€¦ still not available for anyone. Warner is incredibleā€¦ but obviously streamers have the game for 2 days already. Amazing.

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My Amazon preorder of HL for the PS5 (a gift for a family member) was cancelled yesterday because the supplier ran out of stock. I guess the game is selling well.


Looking very good, Although seem you canā€™t kill everyone and Become pure evil like i wanted to. So i have to deduct some RPG mechanic points from this.

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I shot an innocent bunny in Fable 2 last nightā€¦


My impressions after nine hours of gameplay. Playing on hard difficulty.

  • Visually, game looks excellent. Hogwarts castle looks spectacular. So much detail everywhere. Feels alive from statues that talk and/or animate or most characters inside paintings animating while walking by them. So damn immersing.
  • Audio is great thus far. Great music, solid voice acting and effects.
  • Combat is good and challenging. Iā€™m level 13 and it seems like enemies and even friendly duels level up to your level. The combinations with the spells is satisfying but I do wish I could have mapped a few of the spells to the directional pad myself instead of it all being preset.
  • Gameplay outside of combat is far better than I was expecting. Fluid and responsive. The puzzles, mini games, etc. inside Hogwarts is a breath of fresh air in regards to open world games. Iā€™m trying to open every locked door, solve every puzzle, collect every field guide, etc. Hogwarts castle is freaking huge. Even with the waypoint dots on the mini-map, im still getting lost from time to time mainly when trying to solve a puzzle.
  • Outside of Hogwarts castle and Hogsmeade, I havenā€™t been anywhere yet. lol. The castle is just so immersing that im trying to do every side quest, puzzle, etc. Game has a lot of content in it but isnā€™t massive when looking at the overall world map. Compared to AC Valhalla for example, itā€™s probably 1/5th the size but is more packed with stuff to do instead of massive empty open spaces.
  • Have only unlocked six spells thus far that you equip to the RT+face buttons. I love how when you get a new spell, you come across more puzzles that make use of the spell you just acquired. Easily gives you that feel and sense of progression.
  • Side quests thus far have been enjoyable. Nothing really special but they just feel different. The entire game just hits different than a Sony or Ubisoft formulaic game. Granted, Hogwarts has a set amount of the same puzzles and whatnot but theyā€™re not littered all over the map and it just feels different.
  • Story and characters have been good thus far. Iā€™m not that far into the main story. Maybe 5 or 6 quests. Been too busy doing everything else.
  • Opening prologue was good. Starts slow but sets up the premise and whatnot.
  • Havenā€™t gotten the Broom or any mounts yet.
  • Character creation is fine. Took me 20 minutes to create my character and appears that you can for the most part, change your characterā€™s appearance early on in the game once you get to Hogsmeade.
  • Forgot the name of the spell but the one thatā€™s set to the directional pad and highlights items and whatnot is probably my only major negative because youā€™re constantly having to use it. Reminds me of the vision in Dying Light 2. But at least in Hogwarts, it makes sense since youā€™re using magic so at least, itā€™s more believable than the vision crap in most games.
  • Other than that, I wish the enemies health bar was just over their respective head instead of being on the middle top of the screen. Itā€™s annoying for me but this is a pet peeve of mine.
  • Playing on Performance Mode with the frame rate locked at 60FPS. There have been some minor drops while running around the castle but not major or serious. Game has run extremely smooth for me and outside of some flickering on the face of a main character I was talking to in one scene, no other issues at all.

Overall, while still extremely early in what will probably be a 100+ hour game for me, im very impressed and enjoying the game a lot more than I was expecting to. Not being a Harry Potter fan whatsoever, never reading any of the books or watching any of movies or even having any interest in the franchise whatsoever has been a positive for me because I donā€™t know what to truly expect while in the world and whatnot where as with Sony or Ubisoft for example, I always know what im getting. Iā€™m even reading all the field guides, notes, etc. that I collect which I rarely if ever do in games because I normally just donā€™t care. In this game and game world, itā€™s got me hooked. Will continue playing more every day for at least the next four or so days as im on vacation. Such a pleasant surprise, refreshing open world and just completely enjoying the game.


My share buddy bought this game. I never watched the Harry Potter movies. They are on Amazon for another 11 days in Germany. I plan to watch a movie per day atm. First movie completed :slight_smile:

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Good to see you enjoying it man. Donā€™t you mind the lesser visuals in performance mode though? I saw several comparison pictures and clips where especially the lighting inside Hogwarts took a huge hit in performance mode.

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Finally managed to play yesterday and today too, both on PC and the Steam Deck. Perfomance on PC is goddam awful, not gonna lie, but the game is amazing.

Already level 11,and Iā€™m still only on Hogsmeade, having a lot of fun exploring but its a pretty simple game sometimes and lacks on some departments like actual interactivity with your surroundings.

I saw that in JorRaptorā€™s preview since I do follow him on Twitter and YouTube but nah, it doesnā€™t bother me because im too busy playing the game to worry about the ā€œextrasā€ when it comes to visuals. Also, while I want games to look great (which Hogwarts does), I donā€™t need them to be overdone (ala Horizon Forbidden West) to where it becomes ā€œtoo muchā€.

The game looks great, the open world from what I have seen looks great and while the lighting is missing inside Hogwarts here and there on Performance Mode, I will always take 60FPS over visuals including Ray Tracing.

The extra lighting isnā€™t going to change my opinion on the game visually. Visually for me, like the majority of games this generation, itā€™s a 10/10. The amount of detail alone in the Castle is insane and losing some lighting doesnā€™t change that.

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