Hogwarts Legacy |OT|

lol from the ign review the ps5’s promise of the death of loading screens isnt lived up to here

No way

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On that note, so does Forspoken. It needed DirectStorage, a Microsoft tool, to make it happen. Otherwise, enjoy fade to black multiple times.


I really expected it to do bad in reviews because of factors not associated with the quality of the game.

I highly doubt anyone is giving a game a bad review because of the views of the author of the original IP it’s associated with.

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Thank you to the staff for writing and publishing this. It lines up with my feelings on the matter as well.


Even though I don’t care about this game, this is a big deal and with no COD this year this is going to likely be the best selling game of 23

Great reviews thus far. I was expecting low 80’s so for it to be mid-80’s with a slim possibility of going to the high 80’s is great news. Looking forward to playing this tomorrow and for the next week and beyond. Can’t wait!! Super hyped!! :joy:

I got this on xbox. And ill advertise that to anyone that asks. The fsct that you can play right now on xbox is telling. Couldnt give a toss what sony wants to do.

Also you can tell sony begged WB to get a timed deal on this. Just like all the capcom games.

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I have my doubts. Totk for me has it locked. I dont conisder spiderman 2 doing anything being a ps5 exclusive. Will be ps5 best selling for sure though.

Potentially yes. Depends on pc sales.

This is 1 seriously nice looking game playing on 120 VRR balanced mode it unlocks 40fps but you can uncap the frame rate that makes it even smoother …

Are you guys playing with film grain and chromatic aboration??

Turned off

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Kk thought it was just me who thought it was blurry. My eyes get weird with it on, I got the same feeling when playing the outer worlds.

What resolution is that?

If this is crisp enough, even gives the raytracing and is 40fps, that’s the perfect sweet spot.

Ive just tried fidelity with uncapped it’s nice and smooth…I tried it with fidelity and raytracing uncapped and there is a lot of stutter …I’m sticking with fidelity uncapped 120 VRR …not sure about reseloution…it looks sharp tho

Series X?

So it’s like Plague Tale 2 in how it goes to 40fps with 120hz enabled? I love that.

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Yeah mate series x and you can cap the framerate or uncap it

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