Hogwarts Legacy |OT|

I’m expecting Hogwarts Legacy to release on November 22nd but for Gotham Knights to get delayed. Sony had their fiscal quarter report and they said the Holiday saeson will be looking real good in regards to having PS5 consoles available. My guess is go “light” for August/September/October but go “heavy” for November and December.

Both games were already pushed back from 2021 releases. While it’s possible that one might bump back later, I honestly am not expecting it. And while Sony might want them to hit a date, I don’t know that WB/Disc is going to want to push them back unless they have to.


I’m not a Harry Potter guy at all. Never seen a movie or read any of the books but this game looks really good, enough so that I have added it to my list as a 50/50 game. I still say that for Harry Potter fans, this is probably their dream game come true.

Gameplay Showcase -

I haven’t taken the time yet to watch it, but a buddy of mine said it even reminds him of TES.

I do hope the combat will stay fun, its solely magic, right?

Gonna be interesting to see people make Harry himself. Wonder how close to his likeness it can get.

As far as im aware, it’s all magic based. Almost like a shooter kinda. After the 45 minute gameplay showcase, it’s now on my list. I just need to see the open world, what’s in it and how long “classes” take in the game. Are they quick like 5-10 min or long? A few more months and my questions should be answered by release since they seemed to hint at more future showcases.

Personally I’m taking the “we’ll see about that” approach when it comes to release date, because framerate wise it was far from smooth still. They have time to iron it out, but still.

It surprised me a little because visually they have dialed a few things back compared to the previous footage. As soon as it starts I noticed the downgraded lighting. I recall it looking a lot more impressive in the previous videos they have released. It still looks great outside, but the interiors miss that wow factor for me now. The lighting is what really stood out in the other videos where they showed the inside of Hogwarts.

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Wow. It’s the interiors that have sold me on the game thus far. The attention to detail and rooms all looking different and having their own feel to them is what made me interested in the first place.

Maybe they changed the lighting or was it confirmed to be running on PS5 previous times? Maybe the earlier videos were captured from PC.

I’m waiting and seeing too but I must admit that as someone who doesn’t give two shits about Harry Potter, im very interested in the game. lol

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Gameplay Showcase II -

This game continues to impress me. Leaning towards the digital deluxe edition but that’s 50/50. Expansions being announced would solidify me going digital. Either way, Hogwarts Legacy is day one.


It’s looking fantastic. I didn’t expect the overall map to be this game. Hogwarts itself isn’t exactly small, but Holy shit at the nature areas you get to explore to, huge.


I still cant believe this game is real. I used to dream of a Harry Potter game like this.


We don’t always make the cut, fingers crossed that we do here.


Still no review code, don’t know if I’ll get one until/after launch.


And the same goes for any of the other outlets?

That is not good. Maybe my “fear” of the fact that they haven’t released exactly super great games before could be warranted. Hope not though.

Could it be something to do with ps marketing? I know some other xbox centric outlets who have been refused codes.

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The only site I know of that has a code is a small Xbox centric one, so I’m not sure.

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One theory I’ve heard is that they’ll hold off on most English speaking outlets to avoid the controversy of Rowling until launch day, so marketing doesn’t get affected.

Kinda makes sense IMO.


Entirely scummy, but as you said, that sort of makes sense.

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Reviews or not come Monday, im already all in with the Digital Deluxe Edition on Series X. Must admit that im very hyped for Hogwarts Legacy and last time was this hyped for an open world game, it was a year ago with Dying Light 2 and I loved that game. A few more days to go!!!

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This games score might be all over the place. Not sure who will score it low due to rowling.

If it scores 83 or higher its doing very well

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