Hogwarts Legacy |OT|

Really good article here, adding it to the OP


Watched the deep dive again.

Yeah, the combat is what really needs work. In-between the attacks there is this pause, it looks off. If they can nail that, that would be awesome, because everything else looks mighty fine.

They even got seasons in there.

Or it could be a horrible version like a ton of multiplats. Yes Iā€™m sure From Software are feeling silly about no Switch version. Cmon. Games like RE Village and Tales of Arise have no business being ported to switch. And I really enjoy the switchā€¦but not for shoddy ports. The switch hardware is outdated as hell. Witcher 3 is a 2015 game running on a very old engine. And it took 2 years of its own small development team building itā€¦and I wouldnā€™t touch over even the base Xbox one or Xbox one X version.

This game is coming out for switch day and date according to this. Iā€™d be shocked if it isnā€™t a really poor version.

I will never understand that ā€œlets put everything on switchā€ rubbish. The hardware is weak as hell. It can barely run SMTV, P5S ran like shit and even Nintendo games like calamity warrios. And you want to put Soul Hackers 2 on it? We donā€™t even know the engine or how SH2 was made.

Theres clearly an obvious reason for skipping switch. Having spent time with SMTVā€¦its clear they donā€™t want to make games on that hardware anymore outside of some cheap ports. And I rather they focus on newer consoles to maximise what they can do.

We need to get over the Switch not getting modern games. Its like when Wii was selling so well but not getting anything. Because it couldnā€™t run these games

Running them at 640p at sub 30FPS with awful downgrades isnā€™t worth it.

Also the handheld aspect of the Switch isnā€™t bad. Playing Witcher 3 on a handheld or Doom Eternal is impressive. Then you dock it and realise how bad it is.

I donā€™t support JK views same as i donā€™t support CDPR views but i will still play their games cause it still a game that i want to play now same with Ori i donā€™t support what the people there did but i stil enjoy ORI

Exactly my view im hyped

Am I weird for wishing this was just a ā€œlife simā€ in the Harry Potter world? Classes, exploration, puzzles, relationship buildingā€¦yes, there can still be an intriguing story too! I just want to be in the world, not shoot pew pew spells at various baddies. I feel the same about Persona tbh. I think Iā€™d prefer it without the dungeons and combat.


Persona without that would jus5 be a social dating simā€¦which is fine but there wouldnt be a real plot to it. May as well be a graphics novel. I understand what you mean.

Rewatching the trailer now. Am I going nuts or are there some major animation frame drops during the trailer?

no there definitely are

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There are definitely hoping thats fixed before release and its 70 dollars

Never read or watched Harry Potter but this looks very cool. Glad at least thereā€™s an open discussion thread about the game, here.

This is what I loved about the deep dive, that simulator aspect.

I do not support JK Rowlingā€™s transgendered views however I did want to chime in on this game. Personally I think this game looks absolutely incredible. Have not been this excited for a videogame since maybe the GameCube era. This is basically a dream project for me and I really hope it delivers.

Yes I plan on supporting the game. I am aware that JK Rowling will likely get a few cents from my purchase however I believe in supporting the hundreds of developers who are good people working on this game who has families and lives to live. In other words, to quote Spock; The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Therefore I will be purchasing and supporting this game and any future content that may come out from this team.

I really hope this game lives up to the hype and delivers a fantastic experience and I hope everyone will respect each otherā€™s opinion in regards to supporting the game or not supporting the game and try to get along. I look forward to discussing the game with everyone upon release.

You do know the developers have been remunerated for their work on the game it tends to happen during the months of production and called a salary, at this point the majority of the profits post-launch will go towards the publisher, not the individual developersā€¦

Also on what is a serious thing to consider it seems a little off to quote a fictional character as your absolution, and even if it were appropriate the world contains many more members of the trans community than developers of this gameā€¦ In fact, I would posit the world contains more members of the trans community affected by Rowlings hate alone than developers that worked on the game.

Itā€™s fine to buy the game if you wish, but please take a moment to wonder how youā€™re framing that and voicing your reasons because that came across a touch insensitive. Buy it for yourself if you love the IP and dreamed about such a thing for decades, but donā€™t use the developers to soothe your decision, they donā€™t deserve it and and the trans community definitely donā€™t either. Especially when being thought of as ā€œthe fewā€

Thanks! :green_heart:


Apparently thereā€™s been some speculation about whether this game will include co-op or not, and theyā€™ve now updated the FAQ to state that itā€™s single player only and will not have co-op.

Q: Does Hogwarts Legacy have online or co-op gameplay?

A: Hogwarts Legacy is a single player experience and does not have online or co-op gameplay.

That FAQ is worth a visit by the way. Lots of good questions answered, some I didnā€™t even know I had:

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Finally got around to watching the State of Play & I think this game kinda seems too good to be true.

It appears to be doing absolutely everything that a fan of this franchise could ever want. There were a lot of different gameplay systems shown, all built around aspects of the Harry Potter world. Iā€™m just not sure that one game can do all of them justice, all at the same time.

Itā€™ll be interesting to see how things develop leading up to release, but Iā€™ve got a feeling that some stuff could be cut back.

My only fear is that the game is going to run like shit. Is this the same Avalanche that developed Just Cause 4? Because that game was in very poor shape on launch.

No, this is the Avalanche that worked on Disney Infinity.


nope . This is Disney Infinity Avalanche . That Avalanche is making Contraband .

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The game definitely needs some polished based on the State of Play but Iā€™m hoping it will be in better shape by launch. There is still a good 8 months or so to polish this up.

Iā€™m very curious about the full gameplay stuff, how conversations work, how fleshed out the story is, how seasons change the world and affect sidequests, how large the full map is, etc.

What they showed looked fantastic to me so Iā€™m cautiously optimistic. Ultimately weā€™ll have to wait and see how the finished product turns out. Hopefully weā€™ll see more around E3 time and get an even better understanding what to expect from the game.