Hogwarts Legacy |OT|

This looks fucking amazing . Really ambitious too . Cant believe Avalanche made this.

What an ambitious game

Gameplay and graphics is what I expectedā€¦ Huge

Talk about story, expansions, mtx, loot, farming, basically whatever whatever type of genreā€¦ This game has it

This is next Big IP coming out after Starfield

This game will have legs for years and years to come

That 4 billion price for WB games now seems a bargain deal to me

Avalanche and partner studios have embarked on the most reputable and ambitious GaaS journey

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The game definitely looks good.

I might be the only one, but something about it reminds me of Fable and that is a good thing.

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Books accurate Hogwarts surprised me ngl .

The combat looked painfully mediocre, but exploring Hogwarts seems like itā€™s going to be good.

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everything about the game looks phenomenal, the HP RPG fantasy everybody has been waiting for for decades now. All except the combat. Itā€™s like theyā€™re unable to decide if they want it to be turn based or realtime, so it feels like a weird middle ground. Everyone just standing around waiting for you to finish your spell strings with one enemy, and then the next, so on. I do hope the sandbox within those strings themselves are varied and interesting enough to not become stale few hours in.

definitely got a Fable vibe as well.


So yeah Amazon put up the Switch version preorder

I assume this is not Cloud because itā€™s a physical game. If this port turns out good like Witcher 3 and Doom Eternal itā€™s gonna make certain Japanese studios look very silly for continuing to ignore Switch for apparently ā€œpower reasonsā€ (like Atlus not putting Soul Hackers 2 on Switch or Bandai Namco not giving the platform any of their big releases)


The first few minutes made me fearful that we were looking at a Order 1886-style game with very linear scripted scenarios. But then they come out and explicitly call it an ā€œopen-world action RPGā€ so thatā€™s great to hear.

The next-gen versions are gonna look spectacular. Mocap work looks pretty fantastic as well. Iā€™m definitely excited.

Is this a smart delivery game?

Or square enix for being so incompetent and lazy for putting ports of ps2 games as a cloud version knowing damn well the switch could run them native and you cant sell physical versions of cloud apprently

Doesnā€™t appear to be. Via Best Buy website, they have PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX versions listed for their respective $60/$70 price tag. Also, on the XBO/XSX versions, the cover says ā€œinternet requiredā€ but this isnā€™t listed on the PS4/PS5 cover.

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If thatā€™s the case, sounds like Iā€™ll wait for a price drop. I understand the hype and donā€™t begrudge anyone buying it, but Iā€™m not in support of $70 games.

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To each their own. I have no problem with buying $70 games as long as itā€™s a game I want to play. Hogwarts Legacy looks great and seems to be a dream game for Harry Potter fans but itā€™s a skip for me as I have never watched or been into any of the Harry Potter stuff.

Since this is published by WB, I am expecting Gotham Knights to be the same price tag and unlike HL, this is a day one purchase for me, $70 or not.

On a side note - HL does come with a $10 Gift Card via Best Buy which I just noticed.

Thatā€™s nice to get a $10 cert but Iā€™m not in the U.S. atm so thatā€™s a little bit of a pain. Iā€™d rather own digital in general. I have more than enough to keep me busy until it hits the price I want.

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I havenā€™t seen anyone here discuss the possibilities of microtransactions in this game, but I did see some rumbles elsewhere, where people were speculating that the potion timers might point to that.

This is from an Avalanche community manager:


Not sure where you can put them in the game in the first place considering that the game does not have online component

Good thing for gamers.

Thatā€™s good. Microtransactions have no place in full price games. Full stop.

Cosmetics are fine if you offer a solid selection as included with the game, anything tied to gameplay? not a fan. Especially for games that continually get free DLC in them.

Iā€™m late to the party here. I have not been following this game at all and just got around to watching the 14 minute video.

That was not what I expected at all. The scope of the game is WAY bigger than I expected. It looks like a full blown rpg. I am very curious to hear playtime estimates.

Obviously still some details to be revealed, but I was very impressed by what weā€™ve seen so far.

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