Halo The Series |OT| Steven Spielberg's Magnum Opus [Spoilers]

This really should’ve been the first trailer they lead with. This only makes me more hyped.


Still no Brutes or Grunts?

Yo if thats who i think it is :eyes:

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Hey look it’s sgt Johnson

“Dear Humanity… We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!”

heh 69% nice

I was told that the first episode was good, but the second was bad.

I’m ok with dips and highs, also I’m usually the total opposite of what reviewers say about TV shows or movies. I’ve watched stuff reviewers hated but I loved so it’s always going to be a watch for myself to see, goes the same for gaming too but it’s worse for me with TV/movies, TV/movie critics seem really stuck up 90% of the time.

Very true.

There’s no point listening to what these people have to say.

Didn’t one reviewer say the first episode was bad and thought that if they watched more than just that episode it could have been good?

No idea but they say stupid shit all the time, I loved the first episode and will check out the whole season then make my mind up on the season. I’ll watch season 2 even if season 1 turned out bad by the end of it because you never know with this stuff they can take their learnings into the second season and maybe its mega good, maybe the first season is mega good too. I don’t understand judging the whole series off 1-2 episodes or even a first season imo. It’s not like I’m buying the show either and if its a dud I’ll just watch something else on the service, no loss really.

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I think Cortana’s design is the one thing I’m not sold on still. I hope it works better when she’s introduced in the series.


Yeah that’s ok, it is a lot different and weird but I just take it as it is. I think the big thing that is causing this issue is that Chief looks from the game almost exactly so when we see Cortana looking super different it gives us a weird disconnect.

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It’s all in the hair style for me.

All they need to do is give her the traditional concave-bob hair cut that Cortana has always sported.

That alone would make a huge difference in people’s acceptance.

Just…just make her blue lol more than the hair, it would really solve everyone’s issues

I’m personally intrigued by the show. As mentioned on the YHMAH podcast, it looks like a high budget SyFy show, which isn’t bad.

I do think it’s going to stay at the level but that’s fine. I’m liking Superman & Lois, and it’s not like it has the best special effects, writing, or acting. But I dig it and I always look forward to the next episode. I like Tyler as Superman and I think Pablo will do great as Master Chief.

If I have any complaint it has to do with Paramount+ and how it exists in Canada. I’ll spare everyone a rant but it sucks. No Xbox app was pretty mind-blowing, and the lack of content is ridiculous (Picard and Discovery aren’t on it, and TNG isn’t the Blu-ray version), but there’s so many other technical issues too.

I’m definitely going to cancel after the season finale.

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Same here, very lame.

They haven’t released the Xbox App for Paramount+ in Canada or is it not released anywhere? I know there is an Xbox Insiders preview program for Paramount+ app. It’s amazingly laggy on a Series X when scrolling. It’s so much slower than even the ChromeCast with Google TV app or even Roku. I did not have good words for the survey submission for it when I tried it out.

As for the other content not in Canada, I think that’s because they sold the rights for those series to Netflix before they even thought of expanding Paramount+ service to countries beyond the USA. Or did they sell it to CRAVE? Such short sighted business decisions all because of chasing the short term money.

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Yeah they sold it to Crave.

If P+ included the remastered versions of TNG it would have went a long way for me. I only have Season 1 on Blu-ray (which looks fantastic) and so I would have stuck around for a while to watch the rest if they had it.

But I suppose all of this demonstrates the importance of getting Halo for this new service.

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