Halo Infinite Tech Preview July 29th- Aug 1st

You can say what you will about 5’s campaign but it’s definitely not generic. If anything people hated it because it went one or two steps too far.

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What I’m talking about is that halo 5 was the first game to take vehicles out of every 4v4 map. Every other halo had them on at least some of the maps.

343 said all the maps in this test won’t have vehicles. So I assume there will be none in any of the 4v4 maps again. Which tells me they are yet again focusing on ultra small maps in the same way 5 did.

All I’m getting at is I liked the chiller feel of the halo 2 and 3 maps over the tiny ass halo 5 maps. In halo 2-3 the matches lasted 10+ minutes. It could take 15 seconds or more to get into battle after spawning. Lots of areas in the maps had calm spots. Some maps had room for mongooses, warthogs. U couldn’t be killed by someone and then be fighting the same person before their shield regenerated.

In halo 5 the maps are tiny. Every area of every map has heavy foot traffic. Spawn and be all the way across the the map in 10-15 seconds. Spawn 1-2 seconds from the action in a lot of cases. Kill a guy, he respawns and starts shooting you before your health regenerates.

In 343’s attempt to be ultra competitive they made the game less fun. I just few it was unnecessary because I thought ranked in halo 2 and 3 was already competitive. From the look of infinites map they have the same philosophy. I’m still excited, it was only one map. But this fundamental design choice was my number one issue with 5. I will still play the hell out of infinite, I had 30k kills in 5 despite have this issue.

Found the tweet :

I hope it’s not a 50Gb download, because it will take me a day to DL… :craig:

Feel a bit bad for people with slow internet. My brother for example would take 2 days or more to download 50gb. Hopefully pre-downloading will be a thing for future tests.


Something to keep in mind, as it will probably raise some concerns…

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Known issues :

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I thought the gameplay looked really good from the stream, graphics looked much improved and in general this whole thing looks to be coming together very well.

I’m more of a campaign player so the fact that the SP campaign should look even better is really exciting but I’ll play the MP at times for fun

Could be. Could also be this is a technical test with their new bots and AI has come a long way, but I would assume even Teslas autopilot is still shit at driving a Warthog.

Can’t wait !!

where da heck is the download :sweat_smile:

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Hope so too. I’m away from home and the internet here is pretty trash. Think it’ll be around 20 GB or so. Hopefully.

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They are going to announce the download on waypoint so you will see that first before the emails go out with directions

I think it might be happening soon the Halowaypoint site is being a bit messed up atm

Probably in an hour or so, I think they said, if everything is going well.

bruhhh whenn :angry:

Trying to sign in, its giving authentication error, wtf

Anyone else with the same issue?

And nothing yet…

Probably better to look at the Xbox Insider app.

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A bit disappointed that they couldn’t allow us to preload the tech preview at least a day earlier. In 3 hours it’s no longer the 29th here. And still nothing concrete.

I’m afraid that the DL is going to be super slow because of the mass people who are gonna DL this at the same time.

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its already 13 minutes past 30th here lol

