Halo Infinite (Campaign) Review OT

Jeff Grubb calls it a GOTY contender, wow, those are strong words.

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I do appreciate all the work that goes into reviews. Itā€™s appreciated even more when itā€™s done with professionalism.


Yea so did Washington post

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Has anyone pinged gEofF?

Not me Iā€™m staying off Twitter


anyway, this is crazy. No idea why the drop shield needs to be there lol, but itā€™ll be interesting to figure it out.


So it appears not everybody who was in the preview program necessarily got to review it, and vice versa?

Preview = marketing material

Review = well, review material.


But still, if you already have and gave preview codes, just give your review codes as well, since theyā€™re obviously ready. At least a bit earlier than this if not as early as previews.

I think preview was first 4 levels could be talked about publicly?

Technically itā€™s all marketing material

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Yeah seemingly

Iā€™ll be honest, I donā€™t even know what that means. There are ā€œloot caveā€ areas around the maps that have some cool weapons in them you donā€™t find other places but the I think each main mission area has a nice/unique look and feel to it.


Im sure others have issued cautions aswell, but if you are wary of spoilers stay off YouTube.

Just saw some a video title with presumably a majorish spoiler - I am hoping it is in the early part of the game

Yeah, me tooā€¦ Thatā€™s why I was asking lol.

Good to hear, hope you got some sleep!

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Xbox shouldnā€™t have ā€œliedā€ assuming what Sessler says is true but my goodness, what a man child with that reaction

I havnt seen anything from the man in a long time although I seem to recall him having some other OTT reactions and takes before he seemed to just vanish from the industry

One of the best things Iā€™ve heard about the campaign is what is said here from around the 32:00 mark to the 33:45 mark

And itā€™s about the random banter between the enemies being so awesome and hilariousā€¦


Now they got it down with their system, the next one could seriously be the Uncharted 2 or Arkham City or whatever game that went above and beyond their predecessor. The fact they made it happen under a new leadership with COVID slowdown the production and revamped due to demands and clarity speaks great value. They got an amazing foundation; the next one will be even more awesome.

Halo is back and I think I shed a tear while writing this.

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By next one you mean the DLC or the Halo game that will come after 10 years ?

However they will deliver the next content. I mean theyā€™re trying to have this system like another MCC with multiple campaigns in one place. Kind of like CoD, but weā€™ll see.

I have a feeling that they have the snow/desert/jungle biomes ready for the campaign. Itā€™s just that they are reserved for the upcoming big DLCs in which i suspect would be released 1 per year (along with the MP ones).