Halo Infinite (Campaign) Review OT

I don’t want to read/watch reviews for spoilers. How longs the campaign? Was hoping 10 hrs for main story and 20-25 for completion it’s on heroic

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James Franco GIF

Sounds amazing…hype reaching critical levels! :gimme:

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that sounds delicious to me

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Infinite and Eternal … You are onto something here .

Emotion Reaction GIF


At this point, I’m averting my eyes from just about everything Halo-related, but I’ve gathered that the campaign is reviewing very well. I’m as thrilled for everyone at 343i as I am excited to see/play it for myself.


Don’t feel a need to judge anything before you’ve actually played it for yourself.


Imagine if Halo Multiplayer went the route of hero shooter or Battle Royal. The fate in the franchise is back and strong.

Guys, guys I’ve read the lowest review on metacritic and clearly all the other reviews have put the wrong numbers on. Because I read it and this sounds like a 7/10 game at best. I’m still pumped to play it but just saying…


I personally really want a Hero shooter mode. Battle Royale mode, I don’t care but it can be big for the game.

I’ll at least hope forge would be expansive enough for those to be made and made well, and be popular community made or 343 authored custom games.

It wouldn’t hurt to try as a separate mode but not as the main front and center mode. That’s what Battlefield did and look where they’re at now.

Great r/Halo impression.


hi mr reddit

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People saying ‘yikes’ to OC and MC being 86 :expressionless:

The general view among the Halo CCs seem to be overwhelmingly positive. Also, for being a ‘platform’, this is a great start IMO.

One good thing is that there are no ‘negative’ reviews and very few ‘outlier’ reviews. With potentially more (and quality) SP and MP content being added, it should be fine :crossed_fingers:


Jesus himself got to review Infinite. And he’s generally pretty positive about most aspects of the game.


Moist meter? Lol. :rofl:

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Lool yes, his twitch name is Moistcritikal and that naturally extended to his reviews being called the Moist Meter. :joy:

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The only reviews I’ve read so far that I dislike is Machkovech review at Ars Technica and Gertsmann’s review at GB, because I get really self aggrandizing snobby vibes from those dudes.

was waiting for his review . One of the few reviewers I actually listen to.

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Don’t know the first guy but you nailed it with Gerstmann

Can’t fucking stand that guy

Surprised to see some yt channels that are openly critical of Infinite and 343i (on mtx and XP stuff of all things) get review codes as well.