Gears |OT| All around me are familiar faces

For me personally, just give me an excellent 12-15 hour story campaign with great action sequences in a linear format like Hivebusters over 8-12 chapters and I will be a very happy camper. Added bonuses for me would be to be able to jump/climb/hurdle over cover without actually having to go into cover to do so and to let me aim/throw grenades without having to equip them.

My perspective is of a person who likes and appreciate the Gears series but isn’t completely in love with it, so it might be useful for this thread.

This thread gets me thinking about Gears MP. I haven’t played MP since Gears 2 or 3 (played SP in 1-4).

I think it’s because I am not good at the CQC and would, no joke, need to find some YouTube tutorials to figure out why I’ve never gotten better at them. When I think of Gears MP, I think of clunky feeling controls and it just feels silly when you’re in tight with the enemy.

Again, it could be me needing to learn the game better. I hated the gunplay in Fortnite but stuck with it because friends were playing it and I’m ok with it now. I thought Vigor’s gunplay felt janky, and I’ve gotten use to it just in the past month because they added a deathmatch mode.

So maybe if there were MP modes that resonated with me, I’d invest enough time to get the controls.

And I have to say, apart from the CQC I love how Gears controls and I think it’s one of the best third person shooting games. In fact, Gears ruined the Uncharted series for me because I felt the Uncharted controls were a poor man’s copy of it.

This is why I agree with the idea of having the Gears games having a more deliberate, slower pacing to it. When Speshal Ed made the comment about horror games, I actually didn’t think about RE4 but rather Dead Space.

If there’s anything that I dislike about the gameplay, It’s that the enemies start feeling bullet sponges after a while. Which is an odd complaint because the game is very tactical and how you approach new areas with enemies… But when you do engage with them it’s just about unloading ammo into them, something that doesn’t feel as tactical.

Also, there are open parts where there is a lot of shallow cover, but not a lot of tall cover. I’d like more alternatives to getting around enemies and engaging them from new angles. This includes a little more verticality in the areas of engagement. For example if there were some tunnels underneath where I can go under and pop up from behind, or the middle. If there was a second floor so I’d have to shoot up at, or down at enemies. This could be the case in Gears 5, but whenever I think Gears, I think big open engagements that take place on a flat plane with lots of shallow cover. And that doesn’t excite me.

Also, I dug Fenix as a character but am not into the new crew as much. But I’m more concerned about gameplay than those things.

I still need to play Vanquish (you don’t want to see my backlog, folks) and that might change my perspective, but then again you want Gears to stick to its roots rather than become something else.

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He was not serious ;D

Honestly it’s just that it is exclusive to Xbox. If it were a Sony franchise it would be heralded and praised to no end.

The games are visually and mechanically great with good storylines and a huge wealth of SP and MP game options. That’s pretty much all you can ask for.


Still think they could work that very well tbh.

You can already do that, when you run towards a cover and you get close to it just press B.

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Agreed. it is unreasonable to expect a game series to continually be at the apex of its popularity. Halo is a perfect example of this. Yet some folks seem to use population charts as the sole indicator not only a game’s popularity, but also of its quality.


There is certainly an aspect of it being a Xbox franchise. That’s a given anytime we discuss games unfortunately :frowning: In some cases you can just add 5-10 points on MC/OC and you get the grade if it was a PS-game for example. That’s also true for concerns, most are manufactured when it comes to Xbox games.

However every series that has been going for as long as Gears has need some fresh ideas. I do think Gears is evolving a bit though, I did enjoy Jack and the upgrades and the open-world areas of Gears 5. Most of all though I enjoyed Gears Tactics, which is a perfect fit for the Gears cover based gameplay formula. Much better as a tactics game imho!

Like I’ve said before I think the mainline games should evolve in either going for even more open gameplay like Mass Effect OR tight af horror-style. The horror games could be another spin-off series though…

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Seriously? That’s weird that it’s the B button but when in cover, it’s the A button. Never knew this due to it being a different button. lmao.

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I’ll add that I don’t think changing the multiplayer formula away from shotguns and close quarter encounters would change anything. They’ve added a lot of casual modes over the years and it’s still just the diehards who stick around. Horde and escape are amazing and they should lean much much more into PVE modes.


Agree that horde mode expansion would be great for Gears.

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Yes, campaign and PvE are the strengths. Another benefit of detaching the PvP-MP would be more freedom for the rest of the game.


Didnt gears 4 sell like 4 million?

You have to be careful which forum or internet place you read, because some may spout some narritive that is different to reality.

Ms/coalition have a choice to make, Option 1 try and make gears more like a naughty dog game, with more story ( you can see in gears 5 they try and did this with towns having npcs doing there work etc)

Option 2 Stick to the roots, make gears with what its know for and just expand that to the max, like doom is doing.

Option 3 Do both option 2 + 3

Personally I think option 3 would be the best, add a jump funtion and make the movement a little more nimble, the roady run is still possible but it feels more like uncharted 4. I think the story is heading a great direction they should continue it, but also have more epic battles then ever before, im talk talking like 100 boomers , 50 swarmacks and 1000 locusts all on the same battlefield, they should cut out the open world section where you have to get loot (gears is not fallout) and instead maybe have some off world stuff where you have to take a space craft to some coloney on another platnet (maybe some alien (ridley scott) inspired enemies).Bottom line is they have to do something new and raise the bar like the first 2 games did. TLOU2 did so well because no other 3rd person action game had such an epic story spanning such different and vastly detailed locations. Gears needs to raise the bar not just try and meet it.



They are already going that way, gears 6 had more story focus, vehicle traversal, telling and adding to the story by having walking traversal moments through living breathing comunities.

I think gears can go for gameplay and narritive, the only problem is, Naughty dog just do it better.

I think the biggiest issue is that it’s too bullet spongey with certain enemies. Gears 5 took some good steps to solve this though.

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Naughty Dog does gameplay better? Surely you jest.


Don’t bother. There is SO much wrong about what he said. He cant be serious. Or he really don’t know what Gears is at all…


I love the series and really liked the direction TC went in Gears 5. What are we realistically expecting with Gears? I don’t think it will ever challenge CSGO, Fortnite, Destiny or Halo.

Overall I think the path the franchise is on is a pretty good one. It needs to stay near its original roots and keep its identity. I wouldn’t mind a horror side story/spin off, but stuff like extra traversal powers seem to be at odds with it’s signature weighty traversal.

Maybe add classes, tech powers and team management similar to Mass Effect. For example, have an engineer class that has a mini replicator strapped to their back and can drop turrets or defensive structures anytime. A melee class could be sick. Perhaps build off the component loot in 5 and let players customize their weapons and armor to grant stat boosts, elemental damage, craft different scopes, bigger clips, lower recoil, etc… Let players take their arsenal into multiplayer matches.

A God of War style, Sad Dad Marcus reboot sounds awful. I think Gears going to continue to be an A tier franchise going forward, but I don’t think it’s ever going for Minecraft levels of appeal.


I dont think Gears is an A tier franchise in terms of reach anymore and people here and twitter think to overblow the massiveness and importance of the franchise to Xbox I believe. If Gears got shelved for a bit I dont think many people would care. But I also have the opinion that part of the problem was the over reliance on Gears this gen with 3 massively similar games in a 5 year window.

Regarding Gears 5 I think its telling that its a stellar game technically and people barely play or talk about it that much even with it on gamepass.