Gears |OT| All around me are familiar faces

Oh, I don’t think it has much reach anymore either. Rebooting Gears isn’t any guarantee. The franchise does feel a bit like a relic overall. Maybe not having a ton of reach is okay? Lost Legacy didn’t have the reach past Uncharted games did.

My feeling is that if you’re going to reboot it into something completely different, just make a different IP without all the baggage.

To be fair Lost Legacy was a budget entry spin-off for $40 so thats fine.

And Id take a horror game from The Coalition any day.

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I love the Gears games. I say go out with a bang for Gears 6. Tell an extrmely emotional tale, go with the ending where Del lives and pull all the emotional strings thats coming with this. Make a game with enormous setpieces and let Marcus get his well earned retirement. Gears 4 and 5 had their focus on JD and Kait, 6 should focus on Del an Marcus. Make it gritty and dark and then you can put this trilogy to rest and start something new at the coalition. That would make me happy. As for the multiplayer they should concentrate on the hardcore fanbase and make a one last hurrah for them. Then this franchise can take a break until someone figures out how to seriously bring this to the next level.

Nobody cares about Del that much to give him a game.

No, sorry I should of said narritive and pacing naughty dog do better, also naughty dogs gameplay variety is a lil better imo, the locations, tasks at hand, puzzles and environment interactivity is better in UC4 + TLOU2 compared to gears 5. I personally prefer the gameplay of UC4 being able to climb and swing with the rope is really dynamic and it feels the best 3rd person shooter ever, but this is just my opinion and I can understand that people will prefer gears gameplay but the other things I mentioned need to improve if gears is to improve.

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I know gears better then you can imagine. And next time try and adress posts you disagree with, with actual counter points rather then childish baseless statements.

Gears 5 had more story focus than Gears 2 or 3? what makes Gears 5 more story focused than the previous entries? also there are vehicles in Gears since the first game and there are slow walk sections in the series and environmental storytelling (the whole destroyed beauty art direction of the first game is just that) since Gears 1.

Naughty Dog didn’t invent story focus, vehicles or slow walking in small villages/towns dude…the hyperbole surrounding this studio is unbelievable…

About the gameplay Gears 5 is one of the top 3rd person shooters out there in terms of weapon feel, weapon/enemy variety and movement, Uncharted instead is a jack of all trades master of none action-adventure game with mediocre at best shooting, braindead platforming and a lot (seriously A LOT) of collapsing buildings.

Gears doesn’t need to copy an inferior dumbed down action/adventure to be popular again. Gears created trends and they should add meaningful new stuff to Gears 6 that will actually improve and expand the already amazing gameplay of the series (as I said previously in this thread) like better AI, more advanced physics or expand on the extreme weather conditions of Gears 4 not pretentious stories and poor platforming/puzzles.

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I was talking to some friends about this ironically some weeks ago. I decided to check how many people finished the campaign of each game in at least the lowest difficulty. (based in how many people got the achievement on xbox)

I think that gears its in a complicaded context, the fact that the people are not even finishing the campaign only tells me that the franchise, or the newest games, or both, are not appealing to the players anymore. I don’t know if taking the Survival horror approach (even if i support it) can be the better choice for the franchise for the future, that said, i don’t really think that the gamers care about kate / jd story anymore, but i don’t see how marcus can be useful for the story, so, what ill say its that after gears 6 the next gears games should be spin off, and take a lot of the current AAA third person shooter formula, i don’t really think that the 18% guys that finished the gears 5 campaign might care if the coalition keep the mp simmilarly than before.

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Good chart that gives nice context.

If people arent beating the campaign which is the main appeal over the multiplayer then zoinks. Throw Gears in the shelf for a decade.

Gears 5 player count in the first weekend was more than double of what Gears 4 had in it’s first week so it’s normal to have a lower campaign completion percentage than Gears 4 since the game is on Game Pass and everyone with a sub can download and check out the game even if he is not interested in it. Plus the achievement % also counts PC Game Pass players.

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I think gears can become big again (with enough changes). The last year i decided to do a gears marathon, and after that i was thinking what made gears different of other games and how it can be innovate again but take useful things from other franchises. So i played both tlou, re 2 remake and days gone. The fact its that there’s still some chances to take back that ip to be as important as the 360. After my journey through those games i had an idea of a gears game. Lets see, the game takes the crafting system from tlou, and also the stealth system, but can keep the tank gears gameplay with the cog armors, armors that you can find through the levels and you can use it until it brokes apart, lets think that if you use it you can receive more damage than without it, but instead you loss mobility, so the gameplay without the cog armor can be modernized and they can keep the same mp formula. So there’s one thing. Another thing i thought was that in a spin off, they can tell more kind of stories with not cog army characters. Lets see, a guy from a community that was attacked and the other community took their wife (simmilarly than the dom - maria relationship) so he goes in a journey to bring her back, so you need to kill some other humans and see plots around them, making a more personal story than “lancer goes brrrrrrrr”, lets suppose it takes place in the gears 3 timeline, in the start of the 2 year time skip after gears 2. So the enemies are the locust and lambent, they can be different than in the common gears game, making them more dangerous, and because there’s going to be less ammo than in a common gears game, you need to use more crafting tools and strategy, also making them as monsters, things that came from nightmares as someone said in the act 1 of gears 1. And the lambent even working as the cordyceps in tlou. So when you find the locust or the lambent its an encounter that can make you feel worried, and making you to take different approach, trying to use stealth with them etc etc. And lets suppose the story its around a city, so there’s a city with fallen building and different routes that you can take, but also with enemies around or even fighting with others, and that City can work in the same way as the police department of re 2 remake, there’s places you cant go until you find certain tools or complete certain missions so you can find a way to go to that place, so the people can take that open world “thing” that some loved. And when the big enemies comes, why not take a lost planet / shadow of the colossus mix, so instead of getting into some big enemy with a cut scene or killing it outside, then climb over it a la shadow of the colossus so you can get inside and try to kill it inside but the monster can take you out in the same way as lost planet. :smugdancing:

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I like all of your ideas really. That could actually work! Crafting and breakable armor sounds awesome. I like the encounters in Gears but to shake up that formula would be really nice. Also I could definitely see a metroidvania element ala RE2 Remake

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I dont think this is as good of a statement as you think it is.

There are many ways to skin a cat. Gears needs to tap into the same fun/zeitgeist as the top of the most played games Xbox leaderboard. Many point out to the massive learning curve and how it deters casuals but R6S has a pretty high learning curve (toxic community) and it has been in the top 10 most played games for ages. The Xbox community is capable of playing difficult/complex games you just have to hook them. I don’t have an answer to what the solution is or how you make the game more fun for streamers.

I dont think it has anything to do with that. Gears online literally ends up being played in only one way while Siege has numerous operators and ways to play a game in numerous rounds in a 3 minute situation.

R6S has roles but it is more difficult to pick up and play than Gears. Fundamentally the question is why did all the folks who tuned in during the first couple of weeks of release (dethroning Fortnite) for Gears 5 not stick around? They were interested enough to see what the game had to offer and obviously GP made it easier but the Coalition wasn’t able to hook them.

Because Gears online is not attractive simple as that and it ends up being a 1 gun afair.

Please enlighten me. Ori 2 has a 14.4% completion and Halo 5 has 23% to give more examples, are these good enough or should MS throw those IP’s at the bin too?

To give another 3rd party example RE7 which is on Game Pass and also a 2017 title that did better than REmake 2 sales wise has a 29.9% completion while REmake 2 has a 44.3% for Leon’s campaign, do you see a pattern here?

They need to change the formula for single player at least.

The way Gears plays isn’t really good enough for 2021.

So what are the new standards for 3rd person shooters at 2021 that Gears lacks? what changed since 2006 and made Gears gameplay not good enough for 2021? I don’t get the whole not good enough for 2021 thing.