Gaming to help with Depression/Anxiety

Dies down nothing flower! Lets keep this feelgood going :slight_smile:

Fuser is free to try this weekend, so give that a go if nothing else. You will be bouncing around so much, you’ll sleep like a baby, and not in a “wake up cause of bad dreams and a nappy full of mustard like poo” kind of way :green_heart:


SpeedRunners was part of Games with Gold back in June 2017 and is a game that never fails to cheer me up :slightly_smiling_face:

There is never a dull moment and always something happening every few seconds that gets you laughing out loud! The multiplayer outside of ranked mode can be really helpful and considerate to new players, often with others slowing down and allowing those struggling to catch up.

It cheered me up so much that I even double dipped getting it on PS4, something I never do.


I actually do have that from when it was on Games with Gold! I’ll give it a try thank you!


Thank you so much to the XboxEra Podcast for the shoutout about me and this thread it genuinely made my day :black_heart:


Stay blessed, KING


I had been weeping happy tears when I mentioned it :slight_smile: :green_heart:


I just found this topic for the first time after hearing about it before. Great stuff! Really important people talk about this subject. I just wanted to let everybody know that if it would be at all helpful, my DM’s are always open! I sometimes struggle with panic attacks and severe sadness and the thing that helped me the most is talking about it with other people.

To answer your question: multiplayer games or games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro in which all my attention is needed really help me forget about the mental health things.


I agree entirely and thank you for posting :slight_smile:

I love from soft games myself and use them to take my mind off things so that is sound advice fella.

Anxiety isn’t easy to deal with, speaking as someone who’s had it since 2009.

Dragon Quest XI is a more light-toned JRPG that’s fantastic to play. Super Lucky’s Tale is a relaxing 3D platformer. Any Nintendo IP is great for taking your mind off of depression and anxiety, especially Mario and Zelda or Animal Crossing.


Thank you for the insight and suggestions my friend, hope you found a way to control your anxiety to a extent.

I had a couple of bad nights last week @JAMIE_ODST and while I was feverishly trying to distract myself with my phone I found this “white noise” site I used to listen to often.

Just as another tip to keep the thread fresh.


I hope you are doing better this week Cerys.


Oh man I hope you are doing okay :frowning:

I’ll deffo check it out thank you x

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I haven’t mentioned this here before, but I am a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist as part of the NHS in the UK. If anybody wants some support or someone to speak too about mental health, my DM’s are open. I know the rest of the people on the site are awesome but I’m happy to give some professional insight if anybody wants it.

As far as games go. I love Edith Finch. There is something so special about that game and how plainly it approaches death and all of its anxieties, but still somehow ends up being melancholy and bittersweet.


Thanks! :green_heart:

Nothing extreme, certainly I’ve had worse episodes, just a couple of anxious nights. You know how it is its the fear of having an attack makes it harder to calm yourself. There’s tons of breathing exercise apps too.


This is an amazingly beautiful thread. Love you folks! :green_heart:


Hey all,

Just wanted to mention something and not to boast or brag but to share a bright spot rather than concentrating on the bad.

Yesterday was my first day in a new job and it was not only the best first day I have had it was one of the best days I have had in recent memory. My manager was so sweet, accepting and just delightful we ended up chatting as much as working and I stayed til 18:00, the company had everything prepared for me and my next 18 months planned with training and the like and everyone was prepared for the new engineer who only speaks “coffee time Deutsch” :smiley:

I genuinely cant remember the last time I was excited for my next day of work, I was so happy and exhausted last night I was buzzing til long after bedtime, and for once in a good way.

As I say I don’t wish to boast or make anyone feel bad if they are in the situation I was last year with work. However I spent most of last year never being able to even dream of such a good situation. Good things can and will happen and it is luck as much as some trite “positive mental attitude”, but one of the first steps, for me, was coming to terms with what I wanted to try and do to regain my life, seeking help, speaking aloud and realising there is no greater enemy than my own obsessive thoughts.

Love you all! You are all loved, will be loved and love back. Have a wonderful Easter and I demand you eat anything you wish just for this weekend.
Tonight Cerys Cooks Pizza. :green_heart:


Great to hear Cerys. I love Pizza so enjoy it.

I have an excellent helper…


I am also having a pizza party with the kids tonight, followed by an evenings gaming. I’ve had an incredibly stressful couple of weeks with my full time job, and XboxEra is busier than ever.

stressed rick and morty GIF by Adult Swim