Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

I keep pushing off my PC Display upgrade as a result. When I look at it twice a year it seems like such a dice roll, what with how the OS treats HDR even at the desktop and worse yet is how Games deal with it. I keep thinking ‘maybe next time it’ll be better’. But it never is. It feels like real PC support is still 2 years out from where console support has been at the start.

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Interesting look at ray tracing on the Series S. I really wish MS wasn’t as conservative with the memory and provided 10GB for games with 2GB for OS. Who knows, maybe with this setup, we could have seen some One X support on the Series S as well. I’m actually surprised there are around 15 games that support RT on the S. Thought it was far less than that.

Yeah, that’s the thing. I game on my TV a lot and HDR looks great on the PS and Xbox. With the PC, it’s very inconsistent. Some games require you to enable HDR in the display settings while others do not. Cyberpunk looks and work great but others like RE or Mass Effect Andromeda do not look right at all. Worse yet, some games with excellent HDR on consoles, like Gears 5, have the feature missing entirely on PC.

Hopefully all the hardware manufacturers and MS can come together to come up with a more elegant and consistent solution.

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I wonder if this is the start of where we get more and more games where X takes the edge because it’s a current gen only game. And maybe taking (better) advantage of some stuff X does have and PS5 does/doesn’t.

I don’t think we’ve had too many multiplatform titles that are current gen only yet, have we? A lot was for the old gen too.

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We’ve already had that the past year.

Yeah, but even more, like Dead Space with the VRS now. In some other games we had the resolution higher on X but performance sometimes a bit less.

My video looking at Saturn emulation on the Series S got published this morning. Would love feedback for my next video if any of you have any.


I remember the old headline. Here’s the truth.


Starfield gotta get that DirectStorage tech. Huge open world with many planets DirectStorage super fast loading fast travel is a must.

The truth is without DirectStorage the game takes longer to load and thus more black screen frames which run at higher frame-rate.

Full comment on Reddit about it:


They put a blame on it because of Forspoken? That’s a hill not worth dying on.

Yeah, if they looked at the frame data synced to what the game was doing they’d have clearly seen it was because of the blank frames. This is something everyone following any controlled method would have done. Even more so if the results dont align with expectations then a more critical eye should have been used. All this before you even get around to publishing a tweet about it let alone an article.

So they got a lot of clicks based off faulty data collection and no analysis. It likely works out great for them. Not so great for everyone else that will be hearing about this false narrative forever. I’m sure some internet warriors will use it to say DirectStorage doesn’t work and how horrible MS is at creating APIs and how magic sauces the other console has is better.


Crazy that people believed this to begin with.


as we Germans say: wer misst, misst Mist.

Roughly translated means, if you measure stuff you also measure bad data.

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vibes based thinking as opposed to evidence based thinking.


Xbox recommended because PS5 has an ugly graphical bug (which surely will be fixed). Temporary halt to sky-is-falling posts incoming? :wink:

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They couldn’t be happier about the Developer_Direct! Richard and John really rave about the format and the quality of the presentation.


I wholeheartedly agree with them. Really enjoyed the format. Imagine that format but instead of eso and Minecraft we get Hellblade and Avowed. No disrespect to the games replaced in my list. Just going off personal prefference.