Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

But I don’t think there are performance issues in Borderlands?

I think the grass is not as detailed when compared to the PS5 version, but it was also a problem with the One X x PS4 Pro, so it is most likely a problem carried forward when porting the game.

Thats exactly what DF said.


No what I mean is we see the 120FPS mode on series X here considerably ahead of PS5. I just wanted to check if that was because it was using XDK. But since it’s not it means GDK is either improving or devs are working it out…


Yes, it has a 10-15 fps advantage.

Not gonna get some tweets or articles from news sites asking why the Series X is outperforming the PS5 here no? No?


No and I notice suddenly very minor grass differences being discussed yet a 15FPS difference is waved away as ‘basically the same’. Haha. Never change will they?

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Nope, they are saying this is a win for PS5 because of the lacking foliage and some shadow detail. However, it is a port issue and not a hardware issue.

Series S “the pointless next gen console” once again performing up to par.

Who knew


Yeah but who wants to play at such low resolutions? When for months it’s been ‘literally who cares about resolution’.

On a closer to home note where are all the moaners about Series X performance on here? Nowhere to be seen. Funny isn’t it?


Here are some photos of the comparison in 120fps mode:

The narrative that this is some legacy setting from seriesS is false, df even say its inherited from X1 + 1X. This is a negetive side effect of microsofts more general dev environment, which will hopefully diminish when last gen is left behind.

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Yes, its due to the base xbox

Whose THEY?

Lol, grass?

So why was this the case for One X at all? Did Gearbox ever explain?

Something from the base Xbox I think

The other forums. The goal post continues to be moved

I’m a bit out of the loop. Is this actually what happened?

  • Valhalla performs better on the PS5

  • Series X gets patched

  • Word spreads that the PS5 version was downgraded

  • John from DF humors comments about Phil paying for said downgrade

  • John says to just uninstall the game and play something else

  • It turns out the PS5 version wasn’t downgraded

  • John deletes his tweets and locks his Twitter

Am I mistaken? This is what I’ve heard anecdotally.

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Nope. You’re on target. Only thing missing is John saying he didn’t like Valhalla and stopped playing it which belongs ahead of your bullet point in which John says uninstall the game and play something else.


Wow, I wasn’t aware John locked his Twitter. It’s gotten that bad, huh?


Twitter is terrible, but to be fair, John did flame the fire a bit. I got some of the tweets he deleted where he is saying Ubisoft downgraded the PS5 version.