Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

this is a result of no game utilize series S power and devs doesn’t put much time on series S version. people should know Series S is indeed next gen and only that through content

I thought the video was great and mirrored some of the conversations we’ve had in this thread. One X is better at handling higher resolutions while the Series S is better in offering better performance. That’s fine since both are targeting different resolution/performance goals.

Don’t look at this video as in one platform winning or losing, it’s just an interesting look at how they compare. It’s especially useful since it could inform One X owners on how the Series S compares if they still haven’t upgraded and are having issues finding a Series X. It’s also an interesting look at how an older but more powerful GPU compares to a weaker but more feature filled GPU.

This isn’t something to get bothered by or defensive over.


Video just reinforced my notion that the one x was an absolute monster of a console and its underrated.


Yeah totally. I had my doubts to how well the One X would handle 4K resolutions but the console really surprised me at the end of the day. It’s the system that brought me back to Xbox and was my main system. Loved the little black box.


yeah agreed although the notion of xbox series s holding back the series x will be a thing for awhile. Many forget that they have to design games that work on even lower common denominators

They don’t say the series s is holding back the X though, did they? Did I miss that?

oh not from the video, the hardcore twitter bubble.

Yeah, like this is an academically interesting topic and I totally see why DF would pursue it… but at the same time, they have to understand that this kind of video is catnip for the worst kind of console warrior trolls. Is that the audience they want to court?

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They dont court to them but the dialogues will happen as a result.

Kinda wish they showed games that are vastly superior experiences on Series S like Destiny 2 for example or some fps boost stuff.


Can you stop it with the patronising talk? Unless you are a mind reader or can point me into something DF has said, your assumption of the lack of coverage, is just that.

Also in DF coverage of Eiden Ring, it was nowhere near as damming or negative to that of the Halo 8 min demo and that’s been pretty much the case for most of the Media and social media coverage.

It’s settled. Chill out.


I knew I read it somewhere

What I don’t understand is, why would John have to do the tech analysis for Psychonuats 2? Couldn’t it have been done by someone else at DF?

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It just shows the temporal upscaler produces a clean image which look like 4k, but DRS is in play. DF found DRS in play in their tech breakdown when the series x launched

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Even if you look at this without the console war crap that will spawn and giving DF the benefit of having good intentions I honestly don’t understand the point of a comparison video like this, wouldn’t a better comparison be a Series S vs an SSD powered One S? like you know comparing the two “low end” machines of each gen that both target 1080p? doesn’t that make more sense? :thinking:

The whole video is “1080p is blurrier than 4K”, non enhanced Series S BC are native One S resolution with improvements on performance, loading times are faster on Series S and some games have much better performance on the Series S due to the better CPU, aka things that we know for months now…so umm OK I guess?

I don’t understand on whom this video is catering to or what is gonna be informative about because any enthusiast that has an One X already knows all this for quite some time now and doesn’t expect Series S to do any different than that because 1. Series S is the cheaper “low end” model that is clearly targeting 1080p/1440p max and 2. cross gen games are not a good metric on how capable is this little machine (though they kinda addressed this at the end of the video after telling us obvious things for 25 minutes).

Also the Series S footage in the video is like laughably bad quality wise.

Yeah that sounds right since I recall Gears 5 running at 1440p/120fps on MP on Series S.

Instead of whining about other posters prior to asking for more info, do it the other way around to avoid making a fool of yourself in the interim. :wink:

Not being damning is very, VERY far from offering high praise for technical graphics. Get your story straight.

Why does anyone at DF ‘have to do a tech analysis’ here at all? The vast majority of games that release don’t do anything special wrt technical graphics. Unless a game does something special or is so bad that DF feels compelled to warn folks about it, they have no confounding purpose to make a video analyzing it. Sure, they still can showcase stuff that impressed them regardless, as they sometimes do, but there is no onus on them to cover games they know they are only gonna nitpick into bits for no legitimate use case.

Like, nobody on Earth is served by them making such a video for Psychonauts 2. The devs won’t care about their feedback since the game isn’t built with any focus at all on tech graphics. Console warriors will just use the vid to pile on the game for not being next gen enough next to R&C, as if that what makes games good or not. Nobody is relying on DF’s analysis to decide on buying it or not…It would only serve to hinder thoughtful discourse on a game that genuinely deserves thoughtful discussion on its design, creativity, storytelling and themes.

Why is this even a topic 5 months out?! It’s absurd. Folks here need to get the hell over it already.

I never said that someone else had to do it. Simply asked why someone else couldn’t if John didn’t want to. A simple question. Nothing more, nothing less.

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So neat going to twitter and running around to fanboys comparing the One X and Series S images from this video.

I hate “gamers”

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May I humbly suggest not going on twitter or caring what idiots say? Works great for me :sunglasses:

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Twitter is great for news and I got tons of friends there.