Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!


It’s upto devs for not providing RT in Black ops and DMC5-SE

yeah look like XSX raw power is not being used here Watch Dogs: Legion/Dirt 5 (UHD)

PlayStation 5 175/205 Watt

Xbox Series X 135/155 Watt

Xbox One X 165/170 Watt

imo gears 5 push 200W but these games are low this should be higher than Xbox One X or closer to PS5 on XSX look like 3P Have trouble pushing full raw power

Sony PlayStation 5 im Test - ComputerBase


Wow that’s interesting. Now we’ve firstly got to caveat this with we don’t know if these are accurate. But secondly we’ve got to say that the PS5 is being pushed a lot harder by watch dogs than the Series X is - in terms of power output…this gets curiouser and curioser - do we think devs are perhaps struggling to utilise 52 Compute Units vs the 36 on PS5 - I’m struggling to explain this otherwise. Someone with more knowledge could help perhaps?

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Can’t some of this be explained by the fact the higher clocks of the PS5’s GPU means it is pulling more power than the Series X’s? The PS5 does have a higher wattage PSU afterall.

But then the Series X is comfortably below the One X and Microsoft designed the Series X in such a way because they know it will be drawing more power than the One X at some point, so it would indicate the Series X is nowhere near being tapped, which is understandle as we are in the launch period.

XSX Have 315W PSU but yeah that why it should be higher than one x and closer to PS5

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Higher clocks make the power consumption increase exponentially past a point. (like a 10% clock increase makes the consumption increase by more than 20%).

Though since apparently gears 5 can push SX to above 200w, this could illustrate how these games are severely under utilizing the SX.

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Partly and possibly. I mean firstly we don’t know how these measurements were taken - were they taken at the same scene, same time of day etc…because computational demands in the game vary heavily due to increased RT when wet or night time etc…

So that’s one thing. And likely the reason.

But assuming they are somewhat representative of max load - we know gears had a max load of 211W. Which rather suggests IF that is the WDL max load that the Xbox is being underutilised for some reason. Be it not so easy to code to use the wider but slower GPU or whatever…

I don’t know. Its likely just how its been measured but IF that is accurate its interesting…

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Much bigger issue then burn in (IMO own a B6) is room ambient brightness. OLED sets are dim and a well lit room really impacts the picture.


Why I cant wait to get a house where I dont have the sun blasting all of my living room.

So the framerate issue in CoD on PS5 is a bug? And now we hear the same about ACV. Maybe I’m seeing things but for Xbox they just say it’s underperforming but every issue with PS5 is a bug. Hmmmm…

Or they are indeed truly bugs.

When I use my C9 I always have the curtains closed but I do have my living room light on. I rarely have the room fully dark. But sun blocking curtains is a must!


They only say it’s a bug when it’s random. But only the developpers know what’s going on. It could be many things. That’s why a lot of analysts like DF and journalists are drawing the wrong conclusions sometimes, because there is so many parts interacting in those games. It could be a bug, it could be the coding, the differences between hardware’s philosophy, the settings for each machine not set correctly, the tools not quite ready yet or any combination. Things get resolved, but we all got caught up in the narrative. I mean, I understand that we might be at a loss for some time before things clears up and we see a better picture of what these new consoles are capable of. Hopefully soon. In the mean time, enjoy ! :slight_smile:

VG tech has presented data that shows Valhalla is significantly worse on PS5 than it was before. Yet DF are saying it’s a very small difference. I get VG tech didn’t do like for like same scene analysis but then where it is same scene it shows Xbox had the lead regardless and now hits 60. Given the PS5 is now tearing way more frames (assuming VG tech analysis is right) I do wonder what DF are doing here…


Didn’t watch VG tech, but I’m not surprised. Performances of the new games are a moving target right now. Can’t blame DF, but they should be more careful with their analysis.

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Yeah it’s very complex. I start to wonder how much this analysis is telling us without a clear measure of resolution frame by frame…which is impossible. But it seems like you can declare a winner simply by tweaking DRS and frankly this in current state is not telling us anything about performance.


Yeah, exactly. I said a few weeks ago, that DF had already took a step back from pixel counting (they said it themselves), because it is becoming worthless with the new techs. They know their job will be much harder this gen and will focus more on image clarity, but with two identical versions, there is no point in their analysis ! It’s kind of crazy to think about, but we’re cherry picking frame drops at 120FPS and analyzing muzzle flashes and shadows !

We will see differences futher down the road, but right now, they are marginal.

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As a reminder friends, no personal attacks (either to people here or the media). If one thing to disagree with a perspective. Avoid making responses personal though.

I do not like what I see on DF of late, There seem to be too much pandering to the generation side. Still, it’s up to Xbox Team to really show off that Power advantage

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Yep pretty much, any issue with the Series X is an inherent hardware issue that cannot be fixed and will doom Xbox, any issue with the PS5 is simply the devs messing up a patch and Cerny was right all along.


In the end this episode should teach fanboys to calm the fuck down and stop trying to come up with narratives based on a handful of 3rd party games launched in the middle of a global pandemic to new hardware.

The entire drama around this would not exist if fanboys didn’t try and use the DF videos as console war ammo. Let the devs sort out this stuff and people REALLY need to stop trying to draw permanent narratives based on them.

I think the value in the DF videos is pointing out issues to the DEVS and giving them something to work with and fix if issues show up. We’ve already seen a few devs like the Dirt 5 devs comment that after watching the DF videos they will be fixing the exact issues and problems DF have pointed out.

That is a really good thing, if dumb ass Sony fanboys would stop trying to use DF videos as fanboy ammo we could get some good positive outcomes from those videos.


That’s what could be happening here. That’s why tools need to be matured so that all the resources can be utilised efficiently.