Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

Yup. From video description: “Video sponsored by Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.”

It’s marketing, which by default is tethered to PlayStation. Kinda lame they are doing it this way though tbh. Gives the impression (on purpose) that PS5 is the true next gen version but not XSX. /shrugs

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Kind of what I expected. Before all said and done, these games will be running very similar once all patches are out. If not with this update, soon enough. Ubisoft is pretty good with supporting their games. That said, my opinion back when the specs were announced was that we wouldn’t end up seeing much delta in games that the average gamer would care about when it came to multiplats. I’m going to stick with that unless Microsoft has a breakthrough with ML upscaling and makes it super easy to implement within their toolset. It’ll continue to be about the tools. Otherwise it’ll come down to 1st party pushing the advantages of Series X.

I believe it is sponsered by Activision.

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Even so, according to rtings tests to generate burn in instead of “a few minutes” it needs to be “prolonged hours of use” with static image. And even so over prolonged periods of time.

Basically it’s like: the pixels accumulate burn in during use, but they have the ability to self heal when not in use. So the question is if your use is bigger than the ability of the TV to self heal them. In Rtings tests cases, they found that unless you use the TV for hours straight and with at least one part of the image constantly static that wouldn’t happen because the self healing ability of the TV was quite high for any humanly possible scenario.

The one care you should have is to not unplug it from the power outlet when not in use, as it usually performs the self healing operations in standby.

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In short: Series S drops no frames but has lower quality RT shadows + some pop in. PS5 and Series X are identical even with the Series X underperforming GPU again (they dont say this but imply it at the end).

Series S is impressive here. 1080p/30 with RT reflections.

And once again, GiantBomb talking out of their asses.


SX being a complete match for ps5 performance is indeed underperforming.

But at least it’s solid 30fps with RT and will only get better from that.

What did Giantbomb say?

I’ve only read the article but are there really no RT reflections in puddles on PS5 - given the visual make up of the game that seems like a huge miss and potentially a performance hit once they are implemented?

Jeff was saying how he plays it on his PS5 because the fps are so much worse on the Series X.

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The puddles are there in the ps5, what’s happening is that they are skipped in other reflections.

It could be a bug, or could be for performance reasons, inter reflections is a bit more expensive.

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Ah so puddles themselves aren’t reflected. You know what - it will be a bug, but if that was Xbox you can imagine the hundreds of twitter accounts lighting up with pictures of missing puddles can’t you? They tried to do it for COD - to show less details…they were wrong of course…still tried!


So WDL right now is the first game that is identical across the two platforms? Well it’s progress, what we want is Xbox taking the lead but this is positive for sure. Hopefully the same is going to happen with ACV and Dirt 5.

The question is, is this a case of XSX underperforming because it can do more, or is this on Ubi?

I believe it is a bit of both. Clearly SX is underperforming, but also I dont hold much faith on how deep some developers will go on SX when the devs kits are more mature. Hope I’m wrong tho.

I suspect its identical because you’re locked at 30 so there will be a bit of headroom on both consoles theoretically and I’m guessing if you unlocked the framerate PS5 would show slight advantage again. Once GDK issues are sorted then who knows…My guess is the small gap we see now is reversed or close to it. I do think PS5 design mitigates some of the shortcomings.

I understand your headroom logic due to 30 fps cap.

But uncapped frame rate it might be in favour of series X. RT is where series X has taken the lead in all comparison.

PS5 takes lead in 120fps and standard modes.

DF: “Series S, with its ray-tracing and lower GPU spec, didn’t drop a single frame @ 30fps in 3.5 hours of play in the game. This makes for uninteresting headlines.”



After watching the WDL comparison, all I know is that I need my Xbox Series X so I can start playing!!! Hoping to snag one later tonight or tomorrow morning.


One this is certain so far…

These are cross gen games amd devs dont have tje time to optimize amd extract any of fhe Series X’s power. Specially with immature tools at launch during this pandemic.

We’re just largely seeing parity across the board. Necause that’s just what their aiming for to get these games out the door.

Its going to be a funny gen if both consoles are neck and neck. Quick resume is now the differator, PS5 loads the game 18secs…thats nice, with quick Resume its like 5secs :sunglasses: