Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

Nah it has to be lazy devs or Sony’s corrupting influence. Also such a fixation on Japanese studios that it’s borderline racist.

Like Elden Ring? XD

Anyway you’ll never see Xbox outperforming PS if PS5 was the more powerful console, I’m 100% sure of it.

There are some games that are better performing 60fps on Sereis S than both X & PS5 because it’s lower resolution :slight_smile:

He’s only fixating on Elden Ring from what I saw and only because that’s another game he can use since we have some stats on it. Am I missing something else?

What are you implying here exactly?

We did see some games perform better on the Xbox One over the PS4 even though there was a larger performance difference then than we see now, so you’re wrong.

I put him on my ignore list a long time ago because pretty much any time a comparison between platforms is made and the developer is Japanese he says something like “as expected from a Japanese dev XD”

That’s another thing, my point is that the “most powerful console” narrative is now dead, MS did a bad job proving their console is more capable like the specs would suggest.

Yeah but the ER case is weird. I believe DF said the resolution is lower on Xbox and also less fidelity. That’s just something that should never happen, that’s not a good thing. Especially when framerate wise it really isn’t too hot on Xbox either, same as PS5. But Xbox users that have a TV with VRR having that edge. Now this is a game in the middle of development, so I guess anything can happen.

Not a good look at all if it launches like that though.

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1 within 100? Here we are about 50/50 and the relative margin is similar teraflop-wise.

Elden Ring is a beta. If it launches like that I’ll be angry with From like y’all but it hasn’t so just wait and see if it does

That’s why I said if :wink:

Framerate wise I don’t expect miracles from From.

I’m hoping that PS5 just had more optimizations and that these were still being done for XSX, but not in the network test.

I agree MS shouldn’t have made that narrative unless they were sure of the results.

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At least something we agree on, it’s not outlanding saying MS did a bad job proving their console tech prowess, being the mythical GDK not ready or who knows what else.

So you’re going to move the goalpost now?

Also the relative margins were nowhere near as close then as they are now . There was about a 35% gap then if I remember correctly and there’s a 16%.

You still haven’t specified what you’re implying exactly.

It seems to me you are the one shifting the goalpost, lol. My point is the one directly above, MS and their “most powerful console” narrative completely disproved, good job. I still don’t know if they were unprepared or devs prioritize PS because of market reasons. I,m sorry if reading the specs sheet I’m underwhelmed by Xbox results.

It’s not mythical when actual devs have talked about it. There are multiple factors to why, and I’d actually dare say it’s good that we see mostly parity and some advantages in some games so far, considering:

  • New and different Development Tools vs Same for PS5

  • Xbox was late vs PS5 was early

  • Xbox two SKUs vs PS5 one SKU

  • PS5 is expected to have a bigger market share and therefore game sales


and I’ll reiterate what I said, it litterally mostly doesn’t matter and the parity is so close is ridiculous. I have seen some games on both consoles :slight_smile:

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Then they shouldn’t have screamed over the rooftops “most powerful” if this power will be seen 3 years in the future or never. I think it’s the first time the most powerful machine has not been used almost at all by devs, even for X1X we saw almost immediate results and the market split was much worse than now (2017 was Xbox lowest point, almost canned by MS higher-ups).

Why are you guys still trying

God forbid having different opinions, should we all say “all hail the mighty Xbox” to appease you? Lol


It’s probably a mix of both. Xbox tools being less mature and devs being more comfortable with Sony’s dev toolkit environment plus the vast majority of the games/engines are still cross-gen and most likely had the PS4 as the lead platform which automatically gives the PS5 version an advantage due to the similarity between the tools of PS4 and PS5.

If in one year from now when we’ll see the first next-gen only games with engines that take advantage of the new machines PS5 continues to have advantages over SX in the same rate then we can safely say that Xbox were overselling the “most powerful console” narrative but until then I think it’s a bit early to come to conclusions and question the power delta between the two consoles.

Specs sheet don’t lie, it will be the first time in human history if the opposite happens even 1 year from now.