Weirdly enough, Forza Horizon 5 is the game that brought me back to the “30fps can be enough” camp
It did? I can’t with that game. I miss the clarity of 60fps when I use quality mode, it’s an eye sore for me when I look at the road while driving.
If that’s the case than it still thinks it’s running on X1X right? So any area that X1X would drop resolution to maintain 60fps would still be the same?
It’s still a XDK game, so it’s essentially a X1X game with 60fps patch, yeah, I think the stress areas are the same if you compare frame by frame.
I assume optimization takes time and money, which I think would be much better spent on new projects than on making sure a ten year old game loads one second faster or looks imperceptibly better sometimes on one platform rather than another.
They’re not using the GDK.
Really? What are they using?
New projects like Elden Ring? XD
The thing is that marginalizing Xbox ports is a trend, IDK if it’s due to Sony influence or something else.
As I said multiple times, the game uses the old XDK, it’s essentially a X1 game with 60fps patch.
The same old XDK which had a slight update to be Gen9Aware.
I’m talking about Bethesda. I have little experience with From Soft games but from what I’ve heard, games running roughly is part of their identity and charm or something.
When all is said and done it’s just a bummer that there ain’t any real enhancements. I think they said in the announcement that there would be updates/enhancements for the new consoles, something like that. Didn’t we already have the great loading times with BC? Visually nothing was improved.
I see… Well, that explains some things.
The downside of having terrific BC, I guess! I’ll take it over the alternative
Skyrim is the odd one within Xbox-Bethesda legacy: usually their games are better optimised on Xbox, but this one is not (since 8th gen), even X1X patch was cheap and it’s DF opinion, not mine.
Because it’s a cash grab, some people are offended by this definition, but it’s the truth. The fact it’s less offensive than ludicrous moves like GTA Trilogy does not make it a pro consumer move.
Okay? Are you responding to the wrong person or something? I don’t see how that relates to the opinion I stated. Also your constant complaining and conspiracy theorizing is extremely tedious to read
Honestly I don’t care if it’s tedious for you, it’s also tedious for me reading people donwplaying Xbox games technical shortcomings EVERY time, there’s always a catch. The thing is: MS inflated XSX capabilities OR devs are not using it to the fullest, there is not a middle ground.
How do you find the strength to soldier on
I have an opinion and the general trend does prove it until now, at least from a external point of view and considering devs like to be secretive, that’s it.
Wow, you must be really smart to see past all the bullshit. Do you think you could post about it over and over every time anything comes up? That’s the only way to shame the devs, I think.
There isn’t any real trend going on and just because the PS5 might have some slight advantages, that’s doesn’t mean the Xbox version is crap. Some games are better on Xbox while others are better on the PS5. Great thing is when this happens, the differences are usually minor and neither system has a “bad” version like we’ve seen in past generations. With the countless variables that go into game development, it’s inaccurate to portray it as if the developers just didn’t try hard enough.