Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

I think that until the marketshare changes drastically in favor of Xbox, we’ll continue to see these random results, some devs having more up to date engines favoring Xbox, others just caring more about the PS5 side of things.

I believe that the XSX is indeed super powerful, but this means little if no one cares (outside first-party games) to put that power to work. All in all I think that parity will always exists and the PS5 will win some of these cases simply by being easier to optimize and having the biggest markshare, making it easier to make these “benefits” slip by.

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You said you were 100% sure if a PS was more powerful, no game would perform better on the Xbox. I gave you an example on how that is wrong and now that doesn’t matter? That’s the textbook definition of moving the goal post.

Also some games being slightly better on the PS5 doesn’t disprove anything. We don’t know the development environment of these games, which platform was the lead, how much time was put behind the port, etc. so you’re talking nonsense because some of the results bother you for some weird reason.

I never said they lie, SX is the most powerful console between the two as you said in spec sheets so if in one year from now this trend continues then either MS were overselling the difference between the two consoles or there is another problem (tools or whatever) preventing the stronger console from getting the results that should get.

I think we should wait and see what happens next year before declaring winners and losers.

Because when PS has had the power lead, history itself says I’m right. XD

So you agree with me market reasons are important for devs? XD

Personally I think we should stop declaring or focusing on winners or losers. Nothing good comes of it and people just lose their minds over the dumbest things.


Well, it is true that there are minimal differences right now between the consoles, but I would say that the better versions (even if slight) are increasingly becoming the Series X versions.

There will always be some games here and there that may be better in PS5 - I mean there were also exceptions when the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro consoles came out.

MS pumped the narrative, not us, so when the results are so mixed, we are permitted to complain imo.

You are not right. Very little of what you’ve been going on about has had any basis in reality.

Development environment and tools that allow quicker iteration times seem to be the most important to the devs I’ve spoken to in the past. The porting challenges also can influence what might be the lead console. For example, some studios switched to lead on the PS3 because it was easier to port from PS3 to the 360 than the other way around. That really shouldn’t be a factor this gen though IMO.

This thread isn’t about complaining about game development, consoles, etc. Go make a thread and do it there if that’s all you want to do.

And MS had every right to market the strengths of their console.

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We are yet to have a game fully created only on/for next-gen hardware. Also Xbox pushed a “most powerful” narrative, not “all devs will always make sure to eek out every % of power possible in the first year or so of release” one that you seem to be thinking. This also isn’t actual game performance analysis, it’s vague and pointless console warring.


I’m not? PS4 games 99% performed better than X1 games as they should.

The iteration is from x86 to x86 this time, I think this less mature GDK controversy is only a part of the issue. As I said, specs sheet don’t lie.

You have a very loose definition of console warring, like when people asked for better 1st party support from Mojang was defined “console warrior mentality” (not from you).

I am with you that I don’t care about such small differences anymore (games overall look and run great nowadays and we should appreciate that more as a fanbase) and you won’t see me declaring winners or focusing on tech so much that it will change my mind about a game or a developer (this is ridiculous IMO).

I choose to be a part of the Xbox ecosystem and honestly I don’t care if a game I want to play is slightly better on the PS5. But the thing is that comparisons between multiplatform games have always being a thing in gaming so I understand people being interested in that, some find the differences amusing and care more about the tech side of things and some are focusing on those things purely for console war reasons…that’s a given and it will continue to be a thing.

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Friendly reminder that on-topic posts for this thread are actual game analysis. Please keep it civil, like always.


Fair enough, I apologize for sniping at you @Roronoa_Zoro90


Don’t worry, I didn’t even take the offense, it was fair play and I also asnwered immediately. XD


The vast majority of games perform better on Xbox. I have no idea what you are talking about. This game performs better on Xbox. You need to stop posting as though any minor difference in favour of the PS5 equates to the whole game being better. The frame rate is better in this case on Xbox, which if reversed you would be claiming the PS5 version is better.

The hardware difference between the consoles is evident just about always with major games releases but as stated above other factors will influence performance too in individual cases


Just wanted to say it’s good to see this. I know a few others forums that I shall not name where things would unfold WAY differently and less friendly.


Fair’s fair, I definitely instigated it. I can disagree with Zoro, but I don’t have to be a dick about it and I clearly was. Thanks for accepting my apology, dude.


Couldn’t find a more recent thread dealing with displays, so going to post in here.

Updated HDTV LG C1 and Xbox Series X settings including Dolby Vision