Forza Horizon 5 Previews

Disbelief Reaction GIF

Man it’s cross gen and not yet on the new engine but they keep on breaking jaws! Wizardy!

This is how I play racing games. In full immersive mode. Cheers guys!

Can’t even imagine how will look like FH6 or Fable…


That’s because you don’t see Aloy moving at 200 mph.


Likely the last stream before release? Wonder if this one will show some more event labs stuff.

As noted by @Senua, driving games have a tough time with LOD swapping as the game moves so fast. On Quality mode with FH5 they have got to the point that it’s very hard to see unless you are looking in an area you wouldn’t be looking if you were playing the game, which is pretty impressive.

And I would place money on the fact that there will be some scenarios in Horizon FW where you can see it, where there is a long vista ahead of you and you are moving forwards. Most of the footage we have seen is in a contained area. The only way to fully avoid it is to use LOD 0 for everything in sight, and that is insanely inefficient and you wouldn’t be able to get the IQ of Horizon FW doing that. The best you can aim for is to make it happen far enough from the camera that you really need to be scouring the screen, squinting, to notice it.

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Does it have a quality mode with non native 4k and 60fps?

You can see LOD switching right up close to Aloy sometimes. Its subtle but you see it.

Quality mode is 4k and 30fps, performance mode is 4k and 60fps with lower settings. And I think the game uses dynamic resolution. If you want 4k@60fps with the highest setting you have to play it on a beefy PC.

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ok thanks

Yeah, LoD has always been the achilles heel of Forza Horizon and it’s just naturally more noticeable at a higher framerate. Little to be done about it given the speeds you go at. It’s no different with Ride 4, GT7, hell even FM8 if I had to guess.

It’s virtually non-existent at a slow speed which is a great sign for Fable.


I think what Unreal 5 is doing, with that level of granularity in LOD adjustment through the Nanite system is mighty impressive. You can still see a weird kind of shimmer between frames if you are looking for it, but it is light years ahead of what we’ve seen in the past, and a path to a future without noticable swaps. Looking forward to what Devs can do with it when they really get their heads wrapped around it.

It’s really a no brainer. Will be more fair if you compare the next Forza Motorsport with GT7 in terms of LOD.

Nanite would only help with LOD for static geometry. Most of the stuff you notice in FH5 is vegetation which is a different process in UE5.


Yep lumen/Nanite is still to address vegetation, the reason why every single UE5 demo till now is set in a dry ass desert looking environment.


From what I heard UE5 Nanite isn’t suitable for vegetation ‘yet’, but the implication was that this was coming.

EDIT: this is perhaps more of a tangent for the ‘pixels and framerates’ tech thread though. Soz.

I like how there’s less clothing/emotes in the wheelspins now. In the following video from 50 super wheelspins:

  • 42 Cars
  • 4 FE Cars
  • 10 Clothing/Emotes
  • 9, 088, 500 credits (that’s without the VIP perk of double credits)

By god this game is insanely the best graphical game I’ve seen bring on Nov!


Not long for the early access release, 20 days!


Everytime i see one of this guy video wow the tricks he pull off plus his driving ability in Forza is amazing.


Well there’s another one