Another episode of Lets Go! is live. The new character customization looks really nice with lots more options. And now we have branching storylines in a racing game
Q: Which features for Fable can we prototype in Forza Horizon?
PG: Yes
Another episode of Lets Go! is live. The new character customization looks really nice with lots more options. And now we have branching storylines in a racing game
Q: Which features for Fable can we prototype in Forza Horizon?
PG: Yes
Win a game of eliminator, the only achievement I’ll never get
14 posts were split to a new topic: Forza Horizon 5 Previews
Now that’s dedication. Personally I couldn’t do that, after a while I’m just done with a racer.
I am very excited to review this one, hopefully soon.
How soon? is there an embargo up until release do you know? cheers!
I’m keen to read/watch it!
Easily my most anticipated game for the rest of the year. Seen enough content just want to play it now with my FRIENDS.
Haven’t gotten anything on it yet, and once we do I can’t say a word!
so pumped for this, even more than Halo and I’m a shooter fan! just looks phenomenal
me starting with a Senna again.
Not sure if I should be happy or sad lol, cuz that car is wayy too good to have right away at the start
Yeah it feels like that sometimes. With the premium addon bundle, 3 starting cars and now the loyalty rewards I’m starting with about 20 plus cars lol.
Also just realized each reward is the cover car for that particular game. That’s neat.