Final Fantasy VII: Remake Rumour

Pretty sure it will once the 1 year exclusivity window ends but thats just me being hopeful.

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There is always the option to extend it. Also Square clearly donā€™t focus on Xbox. Didnā€™t they have a two year exclusive game with Sony ?

Athia yeah

Itā€™ll come. It underperformed Final Fantasy XV and this was Final Fantasy 7.

Underperformed in what sense? FFXV came out on PC and Xbox at the same time so the comparison is just wrong off the bat.

Sold less.

Thatā€™s why it sold less.

That doesnt mean it underperfomed. By all important metrics to square enix the game was a critical and commercial success.

Not sure why people are arguing here. I just hope it comes to other platforms so people can experience it. It shouldnā€™t be limited to any particular platform in my opinion, itā€™s a pretty good game that more people should play without restrictions!

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I believe itā€™s coming to Xbox so Iā€™m not too concerned with that.

People know that Square donā€™t have the focus on Xbox at all and if they could earn save money from an exclusive deal they will take it. And Sony is in moneyhatting mode.

Cant blame them

Imagine if Microsoft would make such a deal with Square. Both companies would criticize into the oblivion.

I mean, that kind of already happened with Rise of the Tomb Raider.

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This would be great but tbh every time I think of this game I lose motivation to play it. Why would I play part 1 of who knows how many when weā€™re looking at possibly 3+ years between games? Feels like it would be better to wait until the whole series is out.


Yeah its a very weird business decision and the marketing for part2/3 will probably be a nightmare for Squareā€™s marketing team

You mean FF7R? But what other system will get it, since it was said that the game was a timed exclusive for PS4? PC? I doubt Switch.

Once the timed exclusive period ends I expect them to announce it.

Well, I sure as hell hope so.

Square loves money so this is coming to xbox one way or another.

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I canā€™t say Iā€™m feeling as confident as you are, but like I said before I sure hope it makes itā€™s way to Xbox, PC, cloud, etc. I hope youā€™re right!

It has to come to something else, otherwise it being timed exclusive on PS4 makes zero sense. But yeah, itā€™s time they started talking about it.

On the other hand, when Xbox had Rise of the Tomb Raider exclusive for a year, was PS4 ever mentioned before that timed exclusivity period ended?

Idk how much sense it makes or not, but in general third party exclusives donā€™t benefit the consumer. Anyway, I sure hope it comes to Xbox and PC so I can replay it and have a decent bunch of people to talk about it with!

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