Fable Predictions and Discussion Thread

I’ll take anything honestly. I do hope we get to see a sneak peek at what art direction Playground will be going for. Fable 3 has, IMO, the best art direction out of all the mainline games from what I’ve seen at least. Will be replaying through 2 and 3 this Summer so I most likely won’t get any small references to the previous games. Fable:Anniversary offered quite some freedom so hopefully they’re building upon those ideas.

I have no doubt it will be amazing, just doubt its coming anytime soon :frowning:

I love Fable its such a cozy game idk how to describe I love it still

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They’re quoting an interview Matt Booty gave to Skill Up. Here’s that interview:

FYI - This was included in part of Skill Up’s podcast called Friends Per Second, and it is available on RSS feeds. I listened to a few episodes and quite enjoyed it.

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Im predicting a game where you the main character show up as this big celebrity Knight here for a big celebration. You go around doing Knight shit like sword fighting other Knights, jousting and stuff. You will have some quests where you go off on a horse some spon… nobility wants you to try out. You get tons of gold and new armor after each mission to fill that itch. The first DLC will be Lego themed.

All jokes aside, I am really hoping its much more Fable 1 than 2/3. The lack of armor and stuff from the later ones was dissapointing and as much as I tried none of them came close to how the first one felt. Wasn’t a perfect game by any means.

Also hoping it is a purely single player experience. I don’t want any weird multiplayer stuff where you can see other players like in Horizon or any weird tacked on multiplayer.

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I suspect they will find some sort of multiplayer element for it, but whether it will be ability to coop or if you see things owned by other players or have some shared spaces or something, not sure. I personally prefer single player as well, but that studio came up with some pretty innovative ideas for multiplayer in Forza Horizon and I wouldn’t be surprised if they come up with some that worked well here too. Could see this being optional, maybe you turn it on if you want shared world or whatever. Watchdogs did that, and some other games where you could have interactions if you wanted, or not.

Love your Lego content idea.

I hope for some grand single player epic where I would feel like a sole hero in the world…

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Its going to have multiplayer.

Some form of co-op 100%. I still believe it is gonna have some form of a shared mode and guild serving as some hub.

I just want a dog… :smiley:

Better be some chickens to chase

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That’s basically guaranteed. There were chickens in Forza Horizon 4 and a chicken suit you could wear as well I believe back around the time the rumors of Fable were really running wild

So about the world, do we think they’re going full open world world with this or more like Fable 1-2? I personally hope it is a vast open world with weather effects and many hidden secrets to discover, a bit like Skyrim or Witcher 3 basically where you can start wandering without a destination in mind and discover cool stuff either in some cave, a forest or come across an undiscovered city, I think that would be the natural evolution for the Fable franchise.

About multiplayer I’m still not sure how I would feel about that, I feel like Fable was at it’s best when it was mainly a single player RPG franchise and I think it would be better to keep it that way, especially Playground who is new to the franchise but maybe it can work if the multiplayer is a whole separate mode that doesn’t have an impact on the single player.

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For me, there’s enough open worlds out there to choose from. I think I’d prefer basically a continuation of classic Fable in all ways, not just the world. Except of course while also taking advantage of modern technological advancements. So, improved character models, lighting, AI, etc.

I suspect I won’t get my wish though, as I’m guessing “modern sensibilities” refer to things like an open world and maybe character customizations with a transmog system and that sort of thing.

I’m referring to this quote by Matt Booty:

They had a particular passion for the IP and I think they also demonstrated that they understand what the heart and soul of Fable is about, and how they can bring it forward for today’s sensibilities and just make a modern take on Fable.

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It will be open world (or at least hub based) 100%. I don’t doubt it.

Regarding everything else I am not sure. I wish it was like Fable TLC but it won’t happen anymore.


Fable was always going in the direction of having an open world.

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About the open world, I expect a modern full open world structure.

About multiplayer, I think will have a co-op mode with two players.

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Full open world. Proximity based multiplayer.

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This seems quite possible. Though even in Forza Horizon they give you the option to turn off live people and just have drivatars. I wouldn’t be surprised if they do something like have certain types of hero AI NPCs who wander around and do stuff and can join you, and if you allow it they can be real people instead of npcs.

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