Embracer Group has entered into an agreement to acquire Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal, Square Enix Montréal (~1,100 employees) and a catalogue of IPs including Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, etc (total up $300M)

What a fucking stupid company . Sold the west to invest in NFTs .


Honestly you’re 100% correct, nobody, absolutely nobody would let the chance of owning COD slip away, I just hope it’s not at the expense of buying other things and also hope it goes through as well without big concessions.

I would imagine they saw ABK and owning COD as a once in a lifetime opportunity and jumped on it. Business wise it makes sense. The timing sucks is all. Hopefully this thing doesn’t take too long and they continue missing out on certain developers they should get

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Pricetag shows that nobody sees (commercial) value on these IPs anymore. MSFT surely bailed out because of this (and studios will still be available as Third Party contractors after Embracer acquisition)

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Fuck these studios . Imagine someone yoinks WB games while MS is busy with ABK . :fearful:

Well, MS is not gonna buy any of WB studios, i guess…


Maybe i regret saying this in the next years, but fuck Activision and it’s deal, i’d have more hype on this 300m deal than what i do on the Acti one, i hope MS will shut me up when they start doing things with Blizzard.

This said, overall this is good news, what a C the actual Square is sadly, if this means CD and Eidos won’t be tied to Marvel stuff, it’s actually huge, still dreaming with a Deus Ex for this gen.


Wario is asking if we can get a new Sleeping Dogs, but I don’t read that they got this IP. Do they? That be crazy!!!

Yea this tells me MS are only interested in the biggest fish.

Post ABK, it will be another major acquisition next.


brooooo how they gettin away with daylight highway robberies like this??? :skull:

300 million??? Are you joking?

That’s almost the same as Sony paid for Insomniac with next to no IPs, and MFs here got 3 studios, TR, Deus Ex IPs and who knows what else.


Pretty sure they’ve acquired all their western IP’s except Life is Strange, Outriders and Just Cause.

I dont believe they are interested. Maybe in NR.

The thing with this is MS has a franchise of theirs now tied to Crystal Dynamics. How does this affect it? How does MS not already have secured it already, even before ABK was even an idea. What if Prefect Dark takes off and needs support and sequels, are they gonna be allowed to continue to contract CD?

According to Imran Khan they were one of the interested parties.

no way, Crystal is gonna complete PD and Embracer will have them work on whatever they want from the IP and freedom they got splitting away from SE, they’re not gonna let these studios continue to be tied to some other publisher.


These kinds of deals don’t happen overnight, it’s not like going to the Dev studio store and picking up Tomb Raider.

There are a lot of considerations at play, least of all thousands of staff, and almost certainly this will have been in the pipeline for ages.

Obviously SE will have offered it elsewhere, including to their console besties at PlayStation


Now if Embracer makes Sleeping Dogs 2 then I win :philwins:


Imran said MS was one of the interested parties though. TT with Lego games are big sellers, super popular, how could they not be interested in that? I don’t think MS is only after bigger fish now, its just that ABK was too good to pass up on.

300m is insane. MS wtf had to be interested

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