Bloomberg: Microsoft Sets Sights on Sony’s Home Turf in Game Console Clash

Acquisitions are always kept secret for legal reasons. Its unlikely he would know anything, as it’s against the law for anyone to talk about

It’s better to let MS reveal it on their own terms like what they did with Bethesda. Nobody saw it coming and everybody was shocked hard. I love this style of reveal.


This is the best. First, the news, then silence, and finally the shockwave !


Finalized acquisitions maybe. However, they can definitely have an idea about potential targets and ongoing discussions.

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Like before the pre-order bomb?


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Sony: Releases a Demon’s Souls Remake

MS: “Hold my beer…”


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Even if they don’t buy any Japanese studio, it’s good that they’re investing there so prominent Japanese games don’t skip xbox, like nioh, ni no kuni, persona, dragon quest (which is coming) etc.

If we’re making our dream list, I’d say number 1 would be from software, number 2 square enjx and number 3 Capcom. I’m not obsessed with acquisitions, I just want quality games on gamepass and I’m fine, even if they’re not exclusive to Xbox.


Konami market cap just increased by 23% over last two days.



Have they announced any game recently?

No, they just announced an interim dividend, but 23% is a big jump. Gaming revenue is only about 20% of their revenue so more likely selling IPs or a spin off of the gaming division (which would be substantially cheaper than the whole company).

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The only Konami game I know about for sure in development at the moment is the big UE5 based PES reboot for next year.

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If they somehow buy Square, I will literally never care about Sony again.

Acquire Level-5 before they are gone and give True Fantasy live a second chance.


Tim Is a good guy.

Also said in the past, my bet Is on Sega. Many famous IP, good presence in PC market and good developers as CA and RELIC. there are some rumors about the future of Halo franchise and Halo wars 3 Is a thing. Relic would be the main developers on AOE franchise and on future Rise of nations. Creative Assembly Will develop their Total war (on of the biggest franchise on PC…and it could be release also for serie x) and Halo wars.

It seems really good.

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Sounds good! I believe Tim, he’s been right on multiple things.

Fromsoftware please!


Well said. The first step for Xbox in this new generation should be to expand Japanese developer support for multiplatform games first and foremost (Game Pass could be a great incentive) IMO, even if the acquisition talks fail I’d like to see Xbox do publishing deals with more Japanese studios. There are so many talented (smaller to medium sized) studios in Japan that could use the funding to create something truly unique and why not something more ambitious than they already had been worked on. The Xbox’s library and Game Pass could benefit greatly content AND prestige wise from a better relationship with Japanese creators and I am sure Phil is aware of that.

That being said Phil has done a great job in the last few years and it is showing - I’d never expect to see Samurai Shodown, Yakuza, Tetris Effect, Dragon Quest, Katamari Damacy and Nier on Xbox 3 years ago and I am really happy to see those games on my platform of choice, it can be even better for sure (Nioh, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Guilty Gear e.t.c.) but at least we are seeing more and more Japanese games not skipping Xbox now. The two reasons I got a PS4 at this gen was better support from Japan and better multiplats, SX got us covered on the multiplats so I want to see more Japanese games on my Xbox so I have less reasons to get a PS5 and invest in Sony’s lackluster ecosystem.


With Segas restructuring i think they are making themselves more pretty for an aquisition. Maybe its Microsoft, maybe its Tencent. We have seen this is a sellers market, when Codemasters can get 1 billion $. So this seems good timing for Sega.

Most of the normal Nintendo fans are not like that. I’m an old sega fan for instance, I switched to Nintendo after midlife xbox 360 when it became a gritty shooters machine. I liked Nintendo for the gameplay, most of the fans do. There are those however that are as you describe, they are quite toxic, but a vocal minority far fewer than those of the PlayStation community, about the same as the xbox community

Most of the toxic ones tend to jump ship, like from SNES to psone, they just wish to be bullies and at the side that is most popular.

The rest of us are more joking from a time our parents bought a console for the family and usually it was mid to late in that console’s lifespan that we got one. Yes one and like said for the family, so to share with others. Since you can’t have all, it becomes a silly playground school battle. Nothing more. Please don’t over think this lol.