Battle Toads Review Thread

I disagree. We’re in the middle of a pandemic and, while Dlala is pretty small, they had the backing/support of Rare and Microsoft, so I think it’s completely inexcusable to not have online co-op at launch.

As for your “different standards” comment I think when a game releases as a single-player game it’s fine for it to not have any online component, but when you release a game with couch co-op in 2020 there is zero legit excuse in my mind for not also having online co-op.

I’ll be waiting until online co-op is added in, and if it never gets added I’ll likely skip this game altogether. I don’t generally enjoy this genre by myself, and my closest gaming friend is almost 2 hours away (with the rest being across the country).

How long was your playthrough?

Battletoads - Official Launch Trailer- Major Nelson Interviews the Toads! :frog:

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Just under 3 hours :slight_smile:

Thanks, I just finished up chapter 2 I think?

Online co op for these types of games doesn’t work. Streets of Rage 4 had terribke kag and latency issues. Its the same reason why Cuphead doesn’t have online co op

Man was I that bad or did I miss time my experience? Lol

I took double the time. Don’t remember getting too stuck either outside of wasting time in the platforming section.

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How did you manage 6 hours? Are you playing on battletoads difficulty? :stuck_out_tongue:

I even spent quite a bit of time trying to solve a puzzle on this machine with these weird shapes (I gave up with that) and died a few times on the sled mission trying to get all the collectibles haha.

Maybe you just have mad skillz! Lol

Felt like a meaty amount of content for this type if game to me.

Nah I’m a casual haha. I loved my time with the game though. :smiley: I only got 50 odd of the collectibles, maybe you spent more time collecting/searching? :slight_smile:

Anyone else have the tongue-grab mechanic stop working? I couldn’t seem to grab flies and collectables starting about halfway through the first stage.

Maybe you’re not using the right buttom. I don’t remember now, what does what, but flies and enemies use different buttons. I was confused at first.

You hold LT and hit X. The tongue comes out but I’m not grabbing anything. It worked at first then stopped working

My online experience with Streets of Rage was wonderful.

Try Y or B for the Flies.

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Beat it but honestly didn’t like it that much. It was fine but the levels are way too long and the second half of the game ignores what Battletoads is supposed to be. The cutscenes are my favourite part. A cartoon would be amazing.

Yeah I thought that was strange. Nintendo games rarely get a lot of points docked off for their bizarre online restrictions. Most of the negative reviews I read had other problems with Battletoads, though.

The X is to grab enemies, for collecting flies and collectables its LT+Y

Yeah, replayed the first level and X for enemies, Y for flies, A to shoot gum.

Minor spoilers I suppose.

Just beat this. Took me 5 hours, 1 and a half of them on the bullet hell sections. They seem to leave the door open for more and I’m mostly on board.

The writing and animation is top notch. The beat em up action and bikes great. Platforming good but let down by off collision detection and fairly simplistic level design. The rest, not huge on. I admire the minigames for variety but most of them were basically Wii Play levels of adequate, and the bullet hell sections were fucking infuriating as someone who hates the genre. They need to dial it back.

I think if they do make a sequel, they should go into depth on the beat em up, platforming and bikes. There’s a fantastic Rayman Origins/Legends level race which is brilliantly designed and tough as nails. I loved it and wished there was more. Same goes for the turbo bikes which are only in twice. I think some focus would serve it good. Online co-op would be nice too.

7.3/10 or 4/5 stars according to rules of the site I work for. My friend is reviewing but I needed to play for the weekly podcast.