Battle Toads Review Thread

Honestly, I’m having more fun with this game than I had with street of rage 4. So far, so good.

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Game is starting to grow on me. As it advances more and more mechanics gets added and it can be a good challenge.

Ratings seem fair considering this is a largely outdated and limited genre to begin with. Can’t wait to run through it with my fiancé.

I recommend for the beat em up portion, try to use everything at your disposal. Game became more fun when I started using tags and tried to mix up my moves.

I’ve been replaying the game and I’m enjoying the beat em up sections more now that I have a handle on how to mix it up.

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My wife and I are constantly in stitches, and she doesn’t particularly like Battletoads. Personally, I’ve been having a lot of fun with the game; for me, it’s a perfect nostalgia trip where it looks like I imagined when I was a lad while still having all the modernisms that I’d want from a beatem up. I know this may be sacrilege to some but I’ve played more, and enjoyed myself more, with Battletoads than I have Streets of Rage 4.

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This is way more fun than I expected. The humor is so good too. Really glad this turned out good. I hope they work with the dev team more.


Yeah. I dig it. Its a fun game. Still rocking it.


I played the first 3 levels and so far I’m liking it. I predicted a 70-75 meta and that’s exactly what it is and what it deserves so far in my opinion. The variety in gameplay makes it more interesting to me than Streets of Rage 4.

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THIS. When I started doing this it was so much fun compared to Streets of Rage 4 for me at least, as I loved the variety of the combos and animations happening.

Will we get @Shpeshal_Nick 's review of this game? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like what I’ve played so far. My biggest complaints would be that they don’t have the cut scenes/interludes fully animated-- I would like them to get a bigger budget if there is a second game so that they could make it the full experience of being a playable Saturday morning cartoon.

I also feel like there is a pacing problem in the bit where I’ve played where some sequences go on to long and there are too many empty gaps between combat sequences. I’d like to see them layer in the different gameplay types a bit more naturally-- I’m looking at a game like Guacamelee, which would have platforming, followed by combat, followed by more combat.

All in all, it feels like they are on to something and if they are able to take the feedback to improve the overall gameplay and get an increased budget, it could really grow into a great series for Xbox.

Yep and use the tags too. I’ve watched in a lot of videos people are barely using them. The tags are just like special moves. Pimple drops down on all your enemies and can wipe out a lot of them at once if you’re surrounded. Rash runs in from the side and spears who’s next to you. The tags are fun to use once you get a feeling for which situations different character tags work best in.

If you’re a fan of the game, you don’t want this. Stick with mine. Lol

Lolol that’s fine. I haven’t played the game yet, just that Nick is a huge fan of the genre so wanted to know what he thought.

Just played the first level, its a fun game, a 2d brawler with some really good art + graphics, reminds me of the recent raymans artstyle a bit.

My biggest gripe with the game is with the controls/button layout. The setup is the complete antithesis of what the game wants and is meant to be doing.

It’s just all kinds of wrong.


Not bad, not great. My buddy and I had a solid time working our way through some couch co-op at his place playing Battletoads earlier.

The writing and story segments in between the game are painful though.

Are they targeting kids with this or something? They think kids will care about Battletoads?

I like this game. They truly nailed the new feeling they were going for with the new battetoads, but my two biggest complaints is everything goes on for a step too long. Beat em up levels are a few minutes too long, turbo tunnel a few minutes to long , everything starts our good and overstays it’s welcome just a hair. Also what is this enemy design? The roads look great but everything and everyone else are weird blobs and have oddly shaped bodies. I’m not fond of the dark queens design either but I understand her old outfit was ridiculous and had to go. I love the colors and the detailed animation however.

Played more with my buddy today and we’re loving it.

Best of all, it feels like Battletoads. Just frustrating enough, yet fair enough where you still keep playing and don’t just throw your controller at the wall in frustration. Those speedbike levels, lmao.

Had they watered this down, I would’ve been pissed.

I actually enjoyed the writing. It’s self aware humor, guess it’s a matter of taste. I laughed multiple times during Act 1.

Not a big fan of the gameplay, but that’s more due to the genre. Enjoyed my time with it though. (And I now have my Battletoads ship set)