Assassin's Creed Valhalla |OT| How To Train Your Blade

I admire anyone who has a clue what is going on in these modern day parts of AC games, total nonsense to me…

I used to know someone that swore by the present day things. For her actually it was the best part of the games and she hated it when some games in the franchise didn’t spend enough time on it.

I decided to read it, it’s not so hard after all. You are the lady, she worked for abstergo and now seems to work with others. But honestly, give me Eivor’s story again please :slight_smile:

With the AC games you’re pretty safe just having a rudimentary understanding of the modern day plot, which it sounds like you picked up. There’s really no point in paying too much attention to the modern day plot as it never goes anywhere. There’s never really a payoff. It was better in the early games, but it’s pretty poor now.

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I used to love the modern day stuff - it was one of my favourite bits of AC during 1-2 but I think AC3 when they started talking about aliens is when it dies for me, sadly.

A dude called Desmond was kidnapped by Abstargo(Modern templars) and he gets forced to go in the Animus where he discovers his dad was an Assassin, and so he becomes one too.

We learn there is an alien race that existed before humans called Isu. Desmond helps the aliens to save the world and dies in the process. Layla speaks to Desmond and agrees to stay to try and prevent the world from dying, like 2012.

Enter Layla- Desmond 2.0. She finds out about Kassandras DNA, and gets Hermes Staff. Accidentally kills one of her teammates. Templar boss tries to get staff off her. He dies.

Layla now joins Desmonds old team - Shaun and Rebecca. The staff is in a protective box now. They find a Viking remains. So she enters the animus.

Wow, the ending of Valhalla was so poor I’ve almost forgot what happened. Spoiler below.

Layla plugs herself into the same simulation as Basim, we find out he was the one sending messages for Layla to look into Eivor. He says he was working with “The Reader”/Desmond.

Basim falls out of the simulation and lands on Hermes staff and heals himself. This means he is now alive and basically a god in modern time. Fast forward to Basim talking to Layla’s crew asking to see Desmonds dad.

Hey I summarised AC1-Valhalla pretty well. :rofl:

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Just finished the main story and I actually really liked the ending. I can stand Layla as a character now, which is more than I could say about her first two games. And the major implications for the lore and the overarching story seem promising for the future, for the first time since probably Revelations.

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Anyone else finding the game a lot crispier on SX after today’s patch?

I was in a mission were the framerate was not very good before with still a bit of tearing and resolution was noticeably low. Then today after continuing my session I found it sharper and smoother and noticed it was patched.

Ooh, looking forward to checking that out. I’m trying to make a final push to 1000/1000 this game before year’s end. :slight_smile:

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I honestly didn’t noticed any gfx changes, I didn’t experienced any tearing after today patch tho.

Is the Impulse Triggers finally working?

I remember the box art saying they had them then people saying the didn’t work.

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This game is exhausting. 78 hours in and Im still not done and I started ignoring side stuff like 25-30 hours ago.

Dont know how the structures of these games got progressively worse and I think Origins is the only one that I feel nailed the open world with the story progression.

I just started playing Valhalla, didn’t want to buy it before I finished Odyssey and all the DLC (that took a long time) and wow it looks great, I’m on Series X on a 4K/65 inch TV and so far I have only tried the performance mode but I think it looks great, any idea what the resolution is? It’s definitely not native 4K but it has to be at least around 1440P, I’d take that image quality at 60 over 4K/30 if given the option honestly.

Assassins Creed Valhalla


Good game somewhere in those exactly 83 hours but this new gen formula has grown long and repetitive. These games have gotten too big and about 30-40 hours too long and in this game as grounded as the combat maybe its not as fun to keep me super engaged.

Liked Eivor tho think the character is great along with the rest of the modern trilogy.

I have not played the game yet but it does sound similar to Odyssey in that there is too much fat in these games that if trimmed would leave a leaner and more focused game that do not get bogged down by too much busy work.

No tearing, but in cutscenes I still see stutters and that’s with VRR enabled. Not all cutscenes though. Also in some villages, settlements I definitely notice when panning the camera that there are these small framerate hiccups.

Graphically it doesn’t look much better to me after patch either.

Anyway, for anyone having trouble with Zealots. Let your crew handle it :stuck_out_tongue:

:joy::joy::joy: looks like a good plan!!:+1:

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Right? I mean, I may not be a actual brave viking, not at all, but it does get the job done! :wink:

yep, I crossed on of these guys in the beginning of playtrough and he insta kill me. Now I’m lvl 100, may try a revange with that guy or set him a trap using this method!!

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They have a Yule festival going on in the game in Ravensthorpe now but for me it’s already bugged. :frowning:

I need to build a brewery somewhere but the marker for it is totally wrong, moves by itself too.

I dont know how they went away from what made Origins so good. A great and stunning open world that wasnt filled with nonsense and a story that covered everything from top to bottom including the Order members with Side stories that were actually meaningful to the regions you explored.

Quite a ways into the game now. Halfway maybe? I’m power 159. I really enjoy all the contained stories in each reason. It fits my play style, like I’m sitting down to watch an episode and can come back next week for a new one.

Btw if anyone hasn’t tried it you can beat the final witch way sooner than it suggests as long as you are good at dodging and parrying. I beat her at 140.