Even if not, when we as fans are interested in this game shouldn’t gameinformer, IGN be interested in doing a review as well? Nobody outside of IGN even mentioned it. It’s so weird and says to me that they cover only games that generate clicks. Which is understandable from a business perspective but not from a artform perspective. Well looks like I’m going blind into this, which is also nice from time to time
This game is cool actually. It’s exactly what thought it’d be. Reminds me of every other Remedy game with a more Call of Duty gun focus. Hopefully there are more of these $9 expansions still to come.
Visually in that clip it looks amazing, wish the dame GP story worked
It’s probably gonna be tomorrow at this rate, for me. Not sure what is going on. I’m gonna try the MP for a few rounds.
I think I read a reviewer on twitter this morning saying they only got their codes today so not unexpected
MP has bad, bad input lag. Isn’t nearly as snappy as CoD.
No, they didnt get any early copy. They’re reviewing the retail copy.
Is it out now?
Microsoft is always unlucky with their third party deals
- Battlefied 2042 was a mess
- STALKER looks good but devs tried to pull NFT and so on
- Crossfire X is a mess (granted deal ended early)
and more in the past. I have no idea how Xbox choose their partners.
Microsoft is buying publishers just out of “fine, I’ll do it myself”
But then there is Halo
It still hasn’t been re-added on Game Pass.
This is just embarrassing, I’m sorry.
Shocking stuff. Only way Microsoft can fix this is with a huge AAA third party like Elden ring dropping day 1 GamePass !
Ah, don’t forget the Cyberpunk 2077 Limited Edition Xbox One X like 2 months before the console was discontinued and half a year before the game was even released!
Didn’t they have Anthem as well?
Ok, so im not the only one who cant get the campaign to open up. What a cluster fuck. Remedy, what happened to you? Since you went multiplat you fell off. Max Payne and Alan Wake was your peak.
can’t remember if it was EA or Xbox doin’ it, but probably because of the partnership
Yeah, they really manage to pick the worst games, heh.
And I have no idea why it happens that way.
I still cant play the campaign with game pass
Xbox had Death Door which was awesome. Also Inside and Cuphead. So not all deals are bad. But they definitely miss more than they hit woth 3rd party. But Playstation also had some bacalls in regards to this. Sifu is a 79 which is not bad but not great either