Anthem Next is cancelled (Official)

This is why I feel Avengers is the next game getting axed in this manner.

I can’t help but agree with your side note @anon15396042 :heart:


That’s completely irrelevant to the point tho. He’s not saying those games are bad, he’s saying all these companies chasing those trends having seen one or two games have success and then trying to replicate them assedly for a chance to stumble on a cash cow doesn’t really work and has affected the industry adversely.

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That’s not at all what I got from his comment. And even if it was, I think that’s just slightly less shitty. Just another form of “Make games for me and no one else.”

In fairness, I interpreted steve as meaning a game given the green light because it has GaaS hooks rather than a GaaS game being bad per say.

I have a soft spot for some GaaS games too.

Off to the garden centre now! back later :green_heart:


You get rid of GaaS, I have very little reason to care about games anymore.

I think it was clear that the point was this always online live service stuff has infested gaming in an attempt to grab as much money as possible. How is that controversial? Live service games aren’t bad, that’s a naive statement to make.

The same kind of reasoning can be used the other way as well, where this very characteristically “Sony” game (third person, single player cinematic narrative driven action adventure) has also affected the industry adversely in what games these award shows choose to excessively reward and praise, and how it trickles down to mainstream conversation where if a game doesn’t qualify for these aspects, it’s not even considered a game worthy of talking about. This can on some level affect the types of games being made as well. The phenomenon is already visible in movie industry and the gaming industry trying to become more and more like it is also a problem in its own way.


Who exactly is advocating for getting rid of GaaS?

Because 1. I don’t think it’s true. These games exist because players want them (when they’re done right).

  1. He didn’t suggest toning it down, he said “breathe it’s last breath”. As in go away completely. And many of us still want them, even if you don’t.

Sad, I really thought the game was great and it captured the sense of flight perfectly. A sequel could have addressed issues like mid level loading and being to explore the world better.

I apologise for my last post. I was venting my spleen in a mean-spirited, borderline incoherent manner. Any point I was trying to make was as clear as mud.

I’m not against “live service” titles as a rule. I love Forza Horizon & Diablo 3, for example.

I’m mainly still salty that Andromeda wasn’t the fantastic new beginning for Mass Effect that I wanted it to be, in part thanks to Anthem’s existence.

I apologise for posting in a hot-headed rush, instead of taking a couple of minutes to gather my thoughts.


Yeah I tried to be charitable about your post but it definitely came to bite me in the ass a bit there. :joy::sweat_smile:

You said what I meant to say, in a much better way :+1:

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Alright, fair enough. Sorry I didn’t grant you the benefit of the doubt, I’m having an anxious day.

You too, @Ruthwik_Rao


Sorry all, I was in a good mood today so was assuming the best of @anon15396042 the Anthem news and Andromeda, being, well you know kind of makes me a little militant about what I perceive about “forced GaaS” rather than “well done Gaas”. I love plenty of GaaS games too @BlackheartVinyl I’m playing through Division 2 again for gods sake :smiley: you must have me Anxieties today BHV, I"m sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

Hugs to @Ruthwik_Rao too, because why not

You guys are lovely :green_heart:


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Had fun with anthem for a while but so many issues in not surprised it got canned. The flying was top notch and even the gameplay moment to moment was really fun but that was about it. Story was blah and while customization the items was great there wasn’t any way to get different looking pieces of armor other than forking out cash. The loot was horribly done so in the end the gameplay loop only lasted so long and was killed by end game. The lack of end missions didn’t do it any favors either. And the grind to progress was just to much and no quick turn around on fixing any of it killed the game.

EA might do a bunch of things poorly but this was probably the right decision. The game has potential but doing so little for so long makes it hard to rebound. Other games that did rebound tended to make those moves quicker.


It’s a shame because the gameplay in this was sublime, and even in the game current state you could see the potential it had.

I hope they eventually have another shot at the concept.

No chance, I’ll be buying dragon age 4 or Battlefield 6 day one anymore either. :slight_smile:

I purchased anthem at launch at full price on the false pretenses it would be supported with meaningful content.

I actually really enjoyed anthem and despite all it’s issues and shortcomings, believed the ip had real potential to be something special.

If EA doesn’t have confidence in their games, I won’t have confidence in their future products.

Edit: I’ll still buy the above games, but just after launch (at reduced prices) to see what state they are in, and to recoup them anthem funds, I held on to my copy of the game, as I believed they would sort it out and add content, like they did with battlefront 2, especially with anthem being one of the best selling games of 2019.

Edit: Actually I might still buy BF6 day one, Dice did right by their consumers and did fix and sort battlefront 2 very quickly, but anything by bioware? No chance

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This. As simple as that.

Hope they kill it with DA4 and Mass Effect.