Achievement Hunting |OT| Every point counts

Finished Doom64 and Genesis Noir in the last few days.

I have no idea what happens in Genesis Noir, but it definitively is a trip. The most puzzle game I can compare this to may be Gorogoa (which by the way is fantastic, play it if you haven’t) but this here is on acid. Completion is easy, all achievements are story based, for the ending decision you can just select the last chapter from the menu and it takes about 4-5 hours. Thanks Melissa McGamepass.

Oh, and I made it in a weekly top ten. Happy happy joy joy


I had time to actually play some games. :sweat_smile:


Yakuza 6 came out 4 days ago and 12 people already have the completion. Damn. :joy:


Good to know, thanks. I’ll switch over to something else (maybe I’ll finally go through Tell Me Why) and play CQ2 after a couple other games. No point in burning myself out when I have plenty of other options.

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The anxiety over not earning any GS or even playing through any singleplayer games is real… I feel so stressed out haha.

Started A Plague Tale: Innocence and Undertale but not gotten very far in either.

Spent most of the month playing Gears 5 and Sea of Thieves, both are superb on the Series X.


Just play what you enjoy. That’s all that matters at the end of the day.


Yes, the rational part of me knows that. But there’s that little voice who keeps reminding me of the immense backlog, the “missed” GS etc… Haha, maybe I’m crazy.


Did anyone do that Pillars of Eternity 2 on PC with the mods yet? :thinking: I saw it over the weekend. I haven’t done it but probably will soon

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I’m reading the discussion now and boy, so many plot twists. The consensus is that it is allowed, right?

I saw that the investigation team said it was fair game, but I didn’t look any further into the thread.

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Man, if I had dollar for every time I got worried about my backlog, I would’ve been able to spend that money on doubling it. Lol

As @Thanathorn said, make sure to focus on playing what you enjoy. It’s always okay to dip into a new game too to see if it gets your interest and also fine to drop if it doesn’t.

I still hate looking at my completion percentage and seeing some easier achievements in games I haven’t gone back to in years (that’s part of the reason I completed Broken Sword 5 and Valiant Hearts).


I just sent a request to join!


Oh, it`s been a while since we had any newcomers! Welcome!

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Completion #150: Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire – Ultimate Edition (Windows 10)

  • Estimated Difficulty: 1/10
  • Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Forgive me father, for I have sinned.


Oh dang. I might have to check this out!.. for research purposes…

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Just a heads up for any non-American people: my Windows is in Portuguese (Brazil) and the achievements were not unlocking for me (only in-game, not on Xbox Live). I had to download a English (USA) language pack for my Windows and switch my system region to United States + change the game’s language to english to make it work.

So yeah, it took me around an hour to figure everything out.

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I did the PoE2 Win 10 thing.


Completion #151: Fallout 4 (Windows 10)

  • Estimated Difficulty: 2/10
  • Estimated Time: 5 hours

Forgive me father, for I have sinned.



@brunopcosta1 On a roll this month!

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Looks like a nice backlog of easy completions to add to the list the next time the 10K gamerscore challenge rolls around for Microsoft rewards!

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