Jesus Christ, the achievements in The Raven Remastered are as buggy as it can be. The first achievement didn’t unlock for me, so I had to close the game, reload an older save and do it again. And then the second achievement didn’t unlock aswell, but the game had already autosaved which made me put the game on hold.
A day later I’m downloading stuff and that second achievement unlocked while I was idling on the queue. lol
Yeah, I thought so aswell. That list is pretty accurate apart from some titles that have a next-gen patch already announced but aren’t yet optimized, like Marvel’s Avengers and Ghostrunner.
And yeah, I feel the same way about Smart Delivery. But seeing how the transition works on the PlayStation side, I’m okay with this achievements mess and really glad Smart Delivery exists!
Are you manually switching games to their Series X version on the site? I did that to every Smart Delivery game so I could have a more precise tracking on my profile:
The stats page is still bugged, though. It shows I don’t have any Series X achievement, even though I completed many next-gen exclusives like Bright Memory and Observer: System Redux.
I love the Sherlock Holmes series! I got the Platinum for Crimes & Punishments back when I was on the PlayStation side, and last year I got its 1000g. The Devil’s Daughter has been on my list since I got it with Games with Gold, but it took me until yesterday to finally play it.
Unfortunately I’ll not be able to complete the series since The Testament of Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper are not Backwards Compatible (yet?).
Now I think I’m going for a few 360 completions. I had a PS3 during that era, so I have almost no 360 completions. I’ve just downloaded Dead Space (I got its Platinum back in 2010), Crysis (platinumed in 2011) and Just Cause 2 (2012), so I’m about to take a trip down memory lane!
I remember using that little gyro copter for the collectibles and the rural races, it goes pretty fast when flown low!
For side missions I think I grinded them at the first base you get with the rebels in the top right corner of the island, the objective was always very close.
The main thing that was tricky was liberating army bases, those tanks are almost one hit kill!
Hahaha that must be one of the oddest glitches I’ve ever seen regarding achievements! Unfortunately it affects only the Collect achievements, which are some of the least grindy out of them all (it would cut maybe around 1 hour or so from the completion total).
Yeah, I’m using the gyrocopter aswell, and it definitely helps! But there are so many provincies and takeover missions… it is really surprising how big of a map it is for a 2006 game.
It makes no sense how the story only takes around 6 hours while doing all the rest takes 30 hours. I’ll have to play something else alongside this grind so I don’t drive myself crazy.
And yeah, those tanks are so inconsistent! It is almost impossible to die in the game (apart from that freaking last mission, what the hell were they thinking?), but out of nowhere I’m eventually hit by three or four tank shots and I’m dead.
Edit: Just out of curiosity: in which platform did you play it on? PS2?
I hate how every Gears achievements list has to have something ridiculously grind. Why do they do that? It is not even fun!
Edit 2: Btw, it is mindblowing how instantly the achievement unlocks on the 360!
I played it on the original 360 at the time, for the tanks I hid between tents to take out the soliders so it would quicken the time to get the last stage up.
Oh, the reason I asked is because your Xbox account is brand new. It must have taken some courage to start fresh with achievements!
Sometimes I think about doing that to maintain a 100% account, but there are some completions I did that I don’t see myself doing again, so I let go of that thought.
Lol yeah, I had around 60k with my old 360 account but went to PC in 2013 and could never remember my original xbox account, was a little annoying as I created it in 2003! Never actually owned an Xbox One.
Well, I’m done with Cyberpunk 2077! Really going to miss Night City, loved the game so it’s a bit bittersweet when it comes to an end. But I have done everything, and had no real technical issues att all either btw. Got my 1000GS too, so that’s nice.
Now I’ll let it rest until there is an XSX-version and a bunch of new content. Gonna miss it, awesome game.
Jason Ronald: Absolutely. One of the pieces of feedback that we’ve very clearly seen is people are missing features like achievements as an example in the Xbox app. So over the coming months, we’re going to be updating the Xbox mobile app to add things like achievements.
Jeff Rubenstei…: No. I have better internet than he does, it seems like. That’s about all I’ve got on it. You know what? I just want to thank you, Jr Please, for the achievements in the mobile app-
Larry Hryb: Not yet. Coming soon. Coming soon.
Jeff Rubenstei…: Coming soon.
Larry Hryb: Coming soon.
Jeff Rubenstei…: But thank you for listening. I am one of those vocal people. I’ll be very happy to have that back.
1000G in MotoGP 20, woohoo! Not the shortest completion for sure considering you need to win 3 championships, do 25 online races, tons of events in historic mode, 25+ laps in time trial, etc…