Achievement Hunting |OT| Every point counts

I think it’s time Xbox shut these things down. The GS inflation is ridiculous, and I’m starting to feel like there’s no point in it anymore.

We’re long past the damage being done regarding GS inflation. From the moment 2 hour indie/“arcade” games were granted the same amount of GS as 100 hour long AAA games and games like Minecraft started getting achievement lists for every single separate platform it was over. Literally the only thing that could be done now is some kind of rehaul lol.

I’ve heard of “GS Legends” like Stallion83 And Smrnov saying they stopped caring about GS because of inflation and only really care about completions now. I’m in that boat too lol


Yeah I know, had this feeling for a while. But it’s really getting overboard now with the 5000 GS Title updates to stupid games with entire publishers dedicated to this shit.

How do you mean completions? That is inflated too.

They should probably overhaul the system completely. Really sucks.

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I may have done the cooking sim achievement commands :wink: If console commands are left in, then people are gonna use them. It’s all fair if it’s built in.

I’ve been saying it for a few years now that Microsoft need to give the whole system a revamp and lay down some up to date rules.

Yeah I’m not judging anyone or trying to point fingers. I’m just sad how all this is affecting my own enjoyment of achievements. A few easy GS here and there is nice, but this is just ruining the fun.


I totally agree buddy and I feel Microsoft just doesn’t care about the achievement system at all now. I just hope once they update the dash for the millionth time they have a real good look at achievements and give us some new things to look forward to.

  • Lay down new rules on cheap games with inflated achievements. Remove dev console from all games.

  • Give us a badge on profile showing the number of 100% games completed

  • Separate dlc from Base game

  • Unlockable themes for completions


Yeah, there’s so much they could do both to combat the inflation (bring back 200 GS limit for small shit) and to bring som new fun features in.


I get more satisfaction from completions and my TA Trophy Case now than just from the GS number alone.

Someone with enough money to waste could go from zero to my current GS in days. Knowing that dilutes the fun of the number itself a little bit.


This guy got 245k Gamerscore in one day, that’s over half of mine (414k) which I’ve been getting since 2007 lol.


Sheesh lol. It doesn’t even feel like that long ago when anything above 100000 was somewhat impressive.

We’ll have so see how far Xbox lets the One Step After Fall dev go with their language stacks (xbox and windows).

It’s impossible to keep up unless you game share or get most of the games for free. I know some people’s excuse/justification is it is so people who are just starting/ “behind” can catch up but doesn’t really makes sense cause the top people do those games too so the gap stays the same or gets bigger.


Here is more :skull:

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Would be fun if True Achievements did a TrueGamerScore…

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Yeah I don’t think I’ll be touching any more games. I think this may get some attention from MS and is a wee bit risky.

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It’s not risky at all lol. You aren’t modding the game lol. If anything from MS happens it will be towards the devs only.

That said, Trueachivements might take this more seriously and impose limits on their site on accounts that do too many of these. I noticed they used to allow “all achievement mods” for games like Starbound on PC Game Pass and now they don’t

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Until we get another high level employee to champion achievements at Xbox nothing will be done. I assume once it blows up into higher quality games like it is now devs will notice sort of like Obsidian with Grounded saves. Shovelware publishers/devs can sell their games short cause most have no substance but i dont think higher quality games will like it too much.

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I guess you’re right. I’m always up for a quick completion using Dev tools now and then, but I always do it with caution as my account is old and has a lot of time and money spent on it. Just seems to be taking the piss at this point with the amount coming out lol.

It’s about quality, not quantity. At least that’s what I tell myself.

My own gamerscore goes back to 2009 & I barely have 50k. But I have a few rare ones in there, like Halo Reach completed on Legendary difficulty… twice. Once in its original release on the 360, then once again in the Master Chief collection. And I’m current hunting down the Legendary achievement for Halo 2 but it’s likely to take a very long time.

I mean all gamers are different but I’d never ever grab a guide to complete a game or attempt as many completions as possible just to get a bigger score. I feel Game Pass made the total number a bit redundant anyway, i.e. so many quick completion games with 1000 gamerscore handed out like confetti.

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Yeah its been kind of a bummer knowing how inflated the system has become, more so once I really started to hunt for achievements and completions a few years ago. Had no idea there was so many crappy 5 minute shovelware games out there until then and it’s only gotten worse over time. I still enjoy hunting but it does feel a little less rewarding knowing how much the system is abused now to make a quick buck for some devs. I tend to focus more and more now on my TA ratio as opposed to my overall gamer score for the satisfaction aspect. I do hope once Microsoft has the time and dev resources they can take a good look at the achievement system and make it meaningful again.


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  • Loop Hero
  • Ghostwire Tokyo (Apr 12)
  • Minecraft Legends (Apr 18)
  • Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly (Apr 20)
  • Infinite Guitars

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