Achievement Hunting |OT| Every point counts

Hahaha yeah, it sure seems like it.

I always hated TrueAchievements because it does not classify a game as completed if I started a DLC and left it uncompleted (like Doom or Need for Speed). So I’ve been going through my list and taking notes to know exactly how many completed games I have.

Edit: The list is now complete and my counting was indeed incorrect!

Yeah great little game. Some puzzle controls are a bit jank. Some great visuals and sound too.


I finally hit 40% of completion rate. My percentage was attrocious when the year started — much of that due to me playing games like Rare Replay, Killer Instinct and Halo MCC for just a few minutes.

My goal is to reach 50% completion rate and a TA Ratio of 2.0 — I’m currently at 1.87.

Hey I’d love to be in this!

Gamertag Bugalugs214

Did the 10k over about a week. Had lots of fun playing games that aren’t sea of thieves. Funny thing was playing dodgy games in front of my kids and they’re like… " Dad why you playing this?" Had to explain then copped nerd and other assorted names.

Elena temple, Tell me why, Batman telltale, The Touryst, even Wordament and Solitaire on Android were all games that helped along the way. Was good fun!


Hi, not sure if this is the right place but is there a MS Rewards/xbox rewards/gamepass quests thread going here?

Had a blast racking up the 10k GS for the Hall of Fame stuff and just wondered if there was a thread discussing the rewards program (its how I pay for GamePass lol).


I’ve crossed over 20,000 achievements unlocked yesterday. I have picked out my achievement to use to cross 600k too, hopefully it will all go to plan.


Holy… Gratz!


I want my TA ratio up its always around 1.50 or lower. Most of my 100%s are from easy games. But I also want to clear my backlog so usually I don’t 100% the AAA games unless I like it or reasonably obtainable. I wish I could get my completion percentage into the high 60s but thats a long time coming.

Thanks. Been a long road. It’s probably going to slow down though because I’m getting into longer games but the quality of game is going up.


Just signed up. Gamertag OneBadMutha

Not sure that I’m going to be too great at this. Have had this gamertag since Day 1 on OG Xbox back in 2002 but multiplayer always holds me back.


Pikuniku is a great little game, needs two controllers for 100%, has 2 hard achievements in a dance mini game and a Breakout style game, took me over 2 hours just to get lucky with the pixel perfect ball bounce.

The Town of Light is a neat game that deals with heavy subjects of asylums and how people were treated, based on real events. Sad game and one scene is really uncomfortable.

11-11 Memories Retold is a gorgeous games with a unique artstyle and a great narrative. I started this a few years ago but never finished it. Glad I went back. A hidden gem.

I also did Pipe Push Paradise (if you touch this game do it in one sitting because of glitchy achievements)

Kona, which is fantastic, another hidden gem.

I actually did a harder game with Blair Witch. Great game and the Pacifist run is very tense and pretty challenging in some spots.

Oh and I forgot about The First Tree, kind of cool but a little janky.

Starting The Tower of Beatrice and maybe finish Noir Chronicles City of Crime or start Call of Cthulhu.


These are some really great tips, it’s always easy to miss or overlook these smaller games. Plus there’s a lot of…not so great games to wade through.

Do you always go for 100% completion?


Not always 100% i usually steer clear if it requires multiple full playthroughs, beat the game on highest difficultly (this sometimes varies) or alot of grinding/ luck based MP achievements. For me its about what is the best use of my time. Could I waste 10s of more hours on Final Fantasy XV Comrades for 210GS? Sure but that time could be spent with other games I have. In my opinion the hardest hurdle to overcome of achievement hunting is knowing when its okay to drop a game and move on.I know I’ve struggled with that.


Aha, yeah it’s hard to let go of games sometimes. I struggled with The Touryst recently, just couldnt beat all the arcade games… came to a point where I had to ask myself if I really enjoyed this. The answer was no, and I moved on. I could have beaten it with enough time but what’s the point if it’s not fun? Feels a bit like giving up, but it was very freeing as well.


Hey, sorry for the delay. You’re in! Welcome!!

Hey, welcome to the forums!

There is a Game Pass OT. @Scottish_Sin also created a Microsoft Rewards thread that haven’t seen much activity lately, but I think this is the closest to an OT that we have!

That’s an impressive achievement, congratulations!

Yeah, it is really hard to keep the TA Ratio up. Sometimes I hit the jackpot with those very popular games with hundreds of thousands of players who don’t go too hard on achievement hunting, so many of the achievements are over a 2.0 ratio.

But then there are games like Borderlands 3 and Diablo III, long games where basically every achievement has a 1.5 ratio lol

You are also in, welcome!


Sent my request. Love seeing everyone’s progress!


Got 3 very, very rare achievements in TrackMania Turbo today: on Xbox respectively 0.06%, 0.05% and 0.04%, working on a 0.02% right now too. On TA they are 13.87, 16.95 and 17.50, the one I’m working on is 26.01. Not much in terms of score but I’m pushing for the rarity hard haha.

@brunopcosta1 You’ll have some updates on the rarity list :wink:


Finished Rayman Origins or at least got all the chievos in my skill range. On the last secret level I couldn’t make the first checkpoint :rofl:

I have to say I prefer Rayman Legends and its QoL improvements. Maybe I can get the full 1000 gs there?

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Damn…took a look at the acievement list. How hard IS this game? yikes

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It is hard, but to be fair it helps with the charts that the game had free weekends, was like 5 bucks many times, it was GWG, etc… Leaderboards show almost 4 million total players. Same of the later tracks were played by less than 1000. It’s a mixture of the fact that they’re hard, that you need time to beat that many levels to get there and, well, you also need 160 golds to unlock level 161-170, 170 golds for 171-180, and so on. I just finished that 0.02% achievement - once the rarity chart is updated, I should probably have the top 5 rarest achievements on the site haha.


Haha, well that’s awesome.