Achievement Hunting |OT| Every point counts


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Castle of No Escape

Castle of No Escape 2

The Adventures of Elena Temple Definitive Edition (this one has 2K)


Pity Pit

Evanā€™s Remains

Many Faces

Doug Hates His Job

Radio Squid.

All arenā€™t that hard, used guides for most. Radio Squid was confusing for me at the start but I got through it.


You are in, thanks for joining!

I played around two hours of FIFA 21 today and managed to tackle the achievement I had the most trouble with last year. This year you play 5 qualification matches that will determine in which division you start in Ultimate Team. As the servers went live today, everyone still has a crappy team and I managed to win 4 out of 5, which put me in the third division and unlocked the achievement for me!

I also played a Champions League match just to nab that easy 90g aswell lol

Yeah I think Ratalaikaā€™s share price is going way up over the course of this monthā€¦


I got 12,315 for the day. Donā€™t want to burn myself out lol all this work not to win. I do have a long 5k with 187 achievements as my secret weapon so I guess this is the time to do it.

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wishlisted these and will wait for a price drop or gamepass entry


If you guys didnā€™t already, you should definitely take a look at Coffee Talk, which was part of Games With Gold last June. It is a very easy completion that takes around 3 to 4 hours.


I really enjoyed that one. It was incredibly chill.


Yes, me too! I was surprised, it was very different but I liked it.

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Have you guys tried Night Call? heard itā€™s a short and chill game too but I didnā€™t play it

I did not play it, but from what Iā€™ve seen itā€™s not that simple of a completion. There are almost 10000 tracked gamers on TA, and no one completed it so far.

Damn. so much for an easy game. Yeah I guess Iā€™ll skip it then

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If you are looking for a quick and easy Game Pass completion you should definitely download Fractured Minds. It takes less than an hour to get the full 1000g!

I still have no idea how this game joined the catalogue haha

yup. have it downloaded. gonna try that, Gone Home, and Tacoma for next week. Thereā€™s an easy guide for Donā€™t Starve for PC but it doesnā€™t launch on my PC for some reason. Also Surviving Mars can be fast too if you find the right mods within the game console. Works both for Xbox and PC and is within game so itā€™s legal

The Gardens Between is a 2hr completion and actually quite a delightful game


Aye, that is a very fast completion.

Itā€™s about mental health issues and made by a then 17-year old girl if Iā€™m not mistaken. I think the profits go to charity so I guess thatā€™s the thing.


i really enjoyed this one. The newest Games with Gold is also not very hard and an okayish puzzle game but it runs like ass on my One S :frowning:

The Gardens Between was the game where i knew Game Pass is the real deal.

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Another gem! I really like these little indies I get to try thanks to Game Pass. Good little puzzle game.

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On my list for the next few days are:

  • Soma
  • Slayaway Camp
  • Coffee Talk
  • Goosebumps The Game

Iā€™ve already hit up a lot of the easy game suggestions going around, so it may be a struggle. I donā€™t really want to buy any titles just for this.

Yeah Iā€™m not buying anything either. Digging deep in the backlog and Game Pass! Found a couple in the backlog that look like easy completions: Mecho Tales and Explosive Jake.

Started The Touryst from Game Pass last night. Does anybody know how Carrion is?