A new Tomb Raider in development by Crystal Dynamics

It still has all the aspects people love about the original. Why cant something iconic like Tomb Raider can have it? Also it would be great to finally see some danger in the climbing aspect.

I am confused, I thought that you brought up REmake 2 as a bad example. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I agree that TR should go back and expand on what made the Core Design games what they were. They should focus on exploration, platforming (and actually make it good) and puzzles and less on the shooting and story IMO, that could be a start.

Please make it like Tomb Raider Anniversary, this was my favorite in the series.

awkward confession, never fully finished a modern tomb raider game, just got bored every time. felt like the combat was sooo bland every time.

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hahaha no Im pro make Tomb Raider more classic but remain the great additions like setpieces and the action aspect. But the Uncharted climbing can go. Worst addition :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was a fan of the original Tomb Raider games. I played the very first one on release on the mega drive and then on the PS1. And later played the series on PC.

What I have an issue with is comparisons. They have the Tomb raider name sure but so what? It’s a game made in a completely different era with a different market and completely different design intentions. It’s perfectly fine for it not to be for you. But it’s like me saying I hope the next prince of Persia game is a 2d platformer because that’s the original game and the best (those things are all true). It simply isn’t going to happen because things are different now. And would I enjoy an ultra difficult PoP 2D platformer in 2021? Probably not, but doesn’t stop me from going back and playing the original and best.

You played the 1st game on the Mega Drive? :thinking:

You have an issue with people making comparison within the same franchise? what’s so weird about that? being made by a different team and in a different decade has nothing to do with the franchise losing it’s identity, it’s basic design principles and copying another popular franchise. Those games carry the name of this huge and classic IP that defined the genre, it is not weird to have high standards for a series like this. It’s like saying it’s OK for Halo to become a CoD copy because it’s not 2001 anymore and it’s being made by 343i now…oh and btw you shouldn’t voice your valid concerns or complaints because “it’s not the 00’s anymore”.

I know that the IP is not for me anymore and that’s perfectly fine, what is not fine is shutting down criticism and different opinions by saying “go back to the 90’s” and “deal with it”.

Sorry I had brain freeze I mean Saturn. But my problem is not high standards. It’s the need for everything to stay the same. And Halo is a classic example. People go crazy if Halo evolves but it’s audience has dwindled and whilst I prefer classic halo myself it’s hard to build a new audience around a slower paced shooter game that feels out of date. But there is a balance and I appreciate that. You can’t just turn everything into COD. I just get a bit frustrated with tomb raider simply because the OG games were great. Masterpieces. If they made the game just like that though - it wouldn’t sell. At all. And it might be nostalgic for a few moments but after that even those like us who played it on release day in the 90s would probably wish it was something else.

Wrong :slight_smile:

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So we should accept lower quality games and be happy with them because casual gamers nowadays don’t have the patience to learn the mechanics of a game or don’t want to be challenged. I can assure you that this is not what I want lol

Also slower pace doesn’t mean outdated…not mainstream perhaps but definitely not outdated, Halo: CE which is a 2001 title is a much more advanced game than the last CoD game 20 years later in terms of enemy AI and physics and don’t get me started on level and encounter design. If anything a lot of games today are way less complex when compared to titles from 20 years ago, oversimplifying and dumbing down mechanics and level design/complexity is not in any way progress.

A game can feel modern and stay true to its lagacy.


Do we want Camilla back or should another lady try her hand at it?

She said she was done with SotTR, so it will be someone else I guess. I think it’s the perfect timing for some kind of soft-reboot.

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See you’re already confusing quality with style and whatever. Rise of the Tomb Raider to me is a quality game - I’d rate it as probably my favourite TPS style adventure game in the last decade. I loved it. One gamer’s preference over another is absolutely fine. I’ve no issue with that. But you’re simultaneously arguing the games should be exactly like the original release whilst at the same time saying its about quality. The original release in 2021 would not be seen as a quality game now. And this is the rub for me. Games need to evolve and change and try things out. A long running franchise should in my view preserve some core aspects - like nobody wants Halo to become a twitch shooter - but equally I loved the MP in Halo 5 and felt it was probably the most fun Halo MP yet. You don’t get that by just not changing anything.

Tomb Raider was rebooted. Its not even like its a continuation of the existing franchise and the franchise was dormant because people got bored of that style of game and social attitudes around depiction of women in games changed too. You can’t pretend that didn’t happen and just remake exactly the same sort of game to fit a name and equally pretend it would do well.

My very argument is that we shouldn’t accept lesser quality just for the sake of nostalgia but RoTR is for me way better than some OG remake style game would be. Far higher quality. But you can’t please everyone all the time. But the ‘It’s tomb raider’ argument is old now. Things change and audiences move - it happens. I don’t necessarily even prefer new TR to old TR - both stand in their own time and their own place. I just don’t like the ‘Judas’ Dylanesque electric type arguments because they invariably end up being nonsense (as the original Dylan goes electric argument turned out to be nonsense). Developers need to change things to make games better, more current - along the way some people might not like it but that’s gaming. I would honestly say no game in my lifetime has offered me more fun that OG Doom or Wolfenstein - it doesn’t mean that I want those games made exactly like that ad nauseum. I played the new Wolfenstein games that have no resemblance at all to the original, none at all, but still enjoyed them a lot.


Weirdly, I loved the 2013 reboot, and 100% completed it.

Got close with the second, but got bored. By Shadow, I just hammered through the story as quick as I could then called it a day.

Bring back shorter, more concise games!

I dont think these games are long by any metric to be fair. You want to talk long and unfocused? Valhalla and Odyssey.

Tomb Raider 2013 was a great 8.5/10 for me back on Xbox 360. I really enjoyed the game. Rise of the Tomb Raider was an excellent 9.0/10 for me and my 2016 game of the year over Uncharted 4. Shadow of the Tomb Raider was also an excellent 9.0/10 for me and my fourth best game of 2018. I liked the story and characters more in Shadow but the gameplay and shooting mechanics were better in Rise.

I’m someone who never like the original Tomb Raider games on PlayStation. Would prefer to see a new rebooted trilogy in regards to storyline and characters but keep the Rise/Shadow format. Give me a damn good story and characters, a lot of tombs and puzzles, some action sequences and excellent gameplay and shooting mechanics.

The second and third of the new Tombraider releases are still in my backlog…

Ι am not confusing anything, I can’t take seriously a TR game with automated platforming which I can play while half asleep (this is the epitome of boredom). In the Core games platforming was the bread (the butter were the puzzles) and in the post 2013 games they turned it into a pace breaker so Lara can talk to herself between shootbangs. The puzzles were very easy and on top of that the game after a few minutes literally told you the solution - I still remember getting to a point in TR 2013 where there are two bells (just before a “run because everything is falling apart” set-piece IIRC) and you obviously had to make them hit each other (duh…) so when I saw that I decided to explore the building first before solving the “puzzle” and after a few minutes a message popped up and told me what to do because the game thought I got stuck…like really? this level of handholding is ridiculous…and don’t get me started on the detective mode which is so out of place and breaks the immersion while also gets rid the whole aspect of exploring and actually taking the time to observe your surroundings to see where you have to go next to progress.

Also I never said that the new games must be exactly like the original Core games, I said that they should keep what made them special in the first place, expand on that and not copy a newer popular IP. There must be a middle ground between getting stuck in a puzzle for days and the game telling me the solution of a puzzle in a few minutes and something between super hardcore platforming and press A to awesome…hell they already did that with TR Anniversary which was more accessible than the older game while also keeping the identity of the IP.

I already said what I believe about progress in my previous post…oversimplifying and dumbing down is not progress. As Opatschi already said you can make a game feel modern and still stay true to it’s legacy and REmake 2 is the best example of this, Crystal Dynamics decided to copy Uncharted’s design choices and throw out of the window what defined the franchise. If you are OK with that good for you but some of us don’t like Uncharted that much (it’s formula got really predictable and tiring after UC2) and want to see the series go in a different direction (and I already told you why) so please stop with the nostalgia, what about sales and deal with it non sense. You were the first here trying to dismiss different opinions not me.

I don’t get the DOOM/Wolfenstein comparisons…do you seriously not see the difference in which id and Machine Games handled their reboots when compared to TR? if anything those two examples are the exact opposite of what CD did with TR…they kept the DNA of the older games, modernize them while also trying something new and different (DOOM Eternal is almost a new sub-genre in the FPS space) and decided to NOT copy the latest trend in the FPS genre. I wish CD had the balls to do what id did with DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal.

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