Just a retrospective of the past is all I am expecting.
I don’t think it’s impossible that they’ll drop something more attention grabbing, but I’m not setting my expectations there.
Just a retrospective of the past is all I am expecting.
I don’t think it’s impossible that they’ll drop something more attention grabbing, but I’m not setting my expectations there.
Here it is bois . An expectations tweet by uncle Aaron .
I think there will still be an announcement there, he is just saying it is not gonna be news after news after news, or with new games reveals ( which was already said ). I’m really curious what could be there if MauroNL and Jez’ trusted source said that it will be interesting.
They said no new games tho
Redfall is not a new game
close the thread smh lmao
Here it is the “Greenberg expectations checkpost”. XD
I think it’s a net positive, because he always sets low expectations (after the may 2020 wrong hype which ruined a good show) and anything we get is something unexpected.
No news beat rules out anything of significance in my mind. Going in expecting a documentary and nothing else.
Geoff purposefully creating fake hype so that people end up disappointed and vote D on his post show poll, smh the bias is showing already
I miss the good ol days when Greenberg was a hype machine, but it makes sense to temper expectations because it always lead to chaos and disappointment
Only thing I hate is that we are reaching a gigantic milestone for xbox and we have a special event and we gotta temper expectations of said celebration’s stream cause xbox way of operating for reveals and shit.
LOL you almost got me. Seriously folks, never expect anything so you can be pleasantly surprised
Good rule for life in general.
Can’t argue with this.
Doesn’t happen every day that you celebrate twenty years of existence, you as a company have also made a huge turnaround and the amount of studios you own now is amazing compared to not very long ago.
Surely there can be a update of some kind for a few of the already announced titles? Like the by Obsidian teased Avowed? The apparently to be releasing in summer 2022 Redfall? A nice BC update? But we’re better off just not expecting any of that.
Does make me wonder ever more what Jez meant when he said his trusted source said the anniversary is a must watch though, if it is possibly not going to contain any new content?
Just wait for next E3.
Yeah I’m afraid that’s what’s it gonna come down to.
But we still have TGA.